The champions are listed in reverse chronological order.
Click here for the list of current UFC champions in each division and here for the champions in each MMA promotion.
All-time UFC champions by division:
Heavyweight | Light heavyweight
Middleweight | Welterweight
Lightweight | Men's featherweight
Men's bantamweight | Men's fyweight
Women's featherweight
Women's bantamweight
Women's flyweight

Current champion
Title is vacant

Past champions

Amanda Nunes
• Won title: Dec. 29, 2018
• Outcome: TKO1 over Cris Cyborg (UFC 232)
• Defenses: 2

Cris Cyborg
• Won title: July 29, 2017
• Outcome: KO3 over Tonya Evinger (UFC 214)
• Defenses: 2

Germaine de Randamie
• Won title: February 11, 2017
• Outcome: UD5 over Holly Holm (UFC 208)
• Defenses: 0*
* -- Stripped of the title on June 19, 2017, for refusing to fight top contender Cris Cyborg