The champions are listed in reverse chronological order.
Click here for the list of current UFC champions in each division and here for the champions in each MMA promotion.
All-time UFC champions by division:
Heavyweight | Light heavyweight
Middleweight | Welterweight
Lightweight | Featherweight
Men's bantamweight | Men's flyweight
Women's featherweight
Women's bantamweight
Women's flyweight

Current champion

Ilia Topuria
• Won title: Feb. 17, 2024
• Outcome: KO2 over Alexander Volkanovski (UFC 298)
• Defenses: 1

Past champions

Alexander Volkanovski
• Won title: Dec. 14, 2019
• Outcome: UD over Max Holloway (UFC 245)
• Defenses: 5

Max Holloway
• Won title: June 3, 2017
• Outcome: TKO3 over Jose Aldo (UFC 212)
• Defenses: 3

Conor McGregor
• Won title: Dec. 12, 2015
• Outcome: KO1 over Jose Aldo (UFC 194)
• Defenses: 0*
* -- Stripped of the title on Nov. 26, 2016, for inactivity

Jose Aldo
• Won title: Nov. 20, 2010*
• Defenses: 7
* -- Just prior to UFC 123, the WEC champion was named inaugural UFC champion after WEC merged with UFC.