
Luminosity Gaming Evil crash back to reality

Zarya blasts enemies to shreds with her Particle Cannon in Overwatch. Her Graviton Surge pulls enemies together, setting up big plays. Provided by Blizzard.

The journey is over. Five weeks of group stage matches have passed and one team has made it to the top of the Overwatch Carbon Series. The series between Immortals and Luminosity Gaming Evil showcased a surprising turn of events as IMT re-established their dominance while the third place decider between the Detroit Renegades and compLexity gaming turned out to be business as usual.

LG Evil has been consistent all tournament; meanwhile, IMT has only occasionally hit their peak, but today was a different day. LG Evil stumbled and IMT showed all of their fans that they are indeed still the dominant team. LG Evil's Matthew "Voll" Wallace has been making mistakes on Zarya, using Graviton Surges when his team was unable to follow up, which hindered their playmaking ability on any map, and IMT punished every single mistake.

They held them to only one point on the first map, Hollywood, while easily surpassing their distance on the payload when it was their turn to push for the first point. While LG Evil redeemed themselves by evening the score to 1-1 on Temple of Anubis, IMT forcefully took the next two maps of Nepal and Dorado for a 3-1 victory. Once again, IMT's George "Hyped" Maganzini used Orisa, but switched back to Pharah to duel with LG Evil's Jake "JAKE" Lyon in the air. Pharah vs. Pharah duels were commonplace in this set, but the winner of the map was IMT.

LG Evil didn't lose sense of the game, but they made mistakes that they hadn't made since the beginning of the OCS. In the middle of the tournament, they peaked; but like all peaks, one must fall from grace. IMT sealed the deal with a huge timebank lead on Dorado and that was all they needed to take the championship away from LG Evil. LG Evil crashed back to earth after a long period of success, and IMT reclaimed their former glory with the 3-1 victory.

CompLexity had an extremely disappointing performance during the semifinals, unable to grab any sort of advantage on top of a roster that had zero stability. Switching in a sub every week told more of the same story and the Detroit Renegades merely exploited that.

Liam "Mangachu" Campbell was deadly as usual for the Renegade squad; on Pharah and Zarya, he led the team to an easy win on the first map of King's Row. CompLexity were unable to capture point A, meanwhile Renegades captured it with relative ease, taking the map. The second map of Hanamura featured Torbjörn shenanighans that delayed RNG too much from capturing the second point, and compLexity were able to take a win.

If it was the embarrassment of losing a map to coL in their current state, then it certainly worked as Renegades would strike back with a vengeance by grinding them to dust on the third and fourth maps of Oasis and full-holding compLexity on Watchpoint: Gibraltar. A decisive 3-1 victory over coL earned Renegades the third place prize in the OCS.