
Unicorns of Love show no love to Origen in the EU LCS

Unicorns of Love manager Romain "Khagneur" Bigeard shows off his team pride at the EU LCS summer 2016 finals. Provided by Riot Games

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Unicorns of Love made quick work of Origen in the second match Friday at the European League of Legends Championship Series in Berlin.

Unicorns of Love (9-2, 19-7 match record) dominated Game 1 from start to finish. UoL mid laner Fabian "Exileh" Schubert's Talon snowballed from an early stage, picking up first blood by four minutes and securing seven kills in the first 15 minutes of the game. Origen (0-12, 2-24 match record) couldn't handle the Talon and really struggled to do anything as UoL secured the Baron in the 21 minute, opening the Origen base and in the process earning a 13,000-gold lead. UoL the ensuing teamfight just a few minutes later, and then marched into Origen's base to end the game.

A sloppy start to Game 2 was no problem for UoL as they used strong teamfighting tactics to take down Origen. A fairly even early game was turned into UoL's favor near the 15 minute when the team took three kills and the gold lead from Origen. From there, the Unicorns dominated the game, winning multiple teamfights before securing the Baron in the 25 minute. A 3-for-1 teamfight win moments later allowed UoL to open the Origen base, and a 4-for-0 teamfight at the 30 minute mark saw UoL topple over the Nexus to end the game.

UoL returns to the Rift next Thursday at 11 a.m. ET against Splyce, while Origen's possible final week in the EU LCS starts next Friday at 11 a.m. ET against H2K.