
Team SoloMid leading the pack with win over Immortals

Team SoloMid will head to its ninth straight NA LCS final. Provided by Riot Games

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Team SoloMid (12-2, 24-13 match record) reverse swept Immortals (6-8, 17-18) to earn a 2-1 series victory during Week 7, Day 3 of the North American League of Legends Championship Series Spring Split in Los Angeles, California.

Immortals started off the series with an extremely strong showing. Joshua "Dardoch" Hartnett found himself picking up a quick first blood as Rengar, thanks in part to mid laner Eugene "Pobelter" Park's quick roam on Orianna. With the lead, Dardoch continued to take control of the game, picking up a solo-kill and refusing to slow down. With the lead, Immortals continued to abuse Team SoloMid, turning around a tower dive for three quick kills and locking down a 7,000 gold lead by 15 minutes. Although Kevin "Hauntzer" Yarnell tried desperately to find his team successful engages with Shen, Team SoloMid could not find a way back into the game.

Team SoloMid bounced back in Game 2, despite another strong early game showing from Dardoch on Rengar. Although the IMT jungle hotshot found three kills early on, Team SoloMid held on, keeping even in gold. This was crucial to the team's eventual victory as it waited patiently for its golden opportunity. The opening came off the back of Dennis "Svenskeren" Johnson's Graves and Jason "WildTurtle" Tran's Ashe, who found a clean ace against Immortals to secure Baron for themselves. With the lead, TSM was able to find several key teamfight wins, with mid laner Soren "Bjergsen" Bjerg's Ryze carrying late with impressive Realm Warps to close out the Game 2 win.

In a series-deciding Game 3, Team SoloMid once again impressed, finding a win in a bottom lane 2-vs-2 to earn a small early lead. This didn't mean much, as the following skirmishes went back and forth, keeping the gold even. Things finally started to pick up as Bjergsen found several opportunities to roam with Ahri, accruing a large advantage for himself while Pobelter struggled to get anything done for on Orianna. With a slow and methodical approach, Team SoloMid pushed its way into the enemy jungle, finding a pick onto Immortals AD carry Cody "Cody Sun" Sun's Ashe. Team SoloMid finally secured a Baron kill and an Elder Dragon to close out the game with style, taking sole control over first place in the league standings with a 2-1 series win.

Team SoloMid looks to continue its winning streak against FlyQuest during Week 8, Day 2 of the League Championship Series at 6:00 p.m. ET while Immortals try to bounce back against Cloud 9 during Week 8, Day 2 at 3:00 p.m. ET.