
SKT take down KT Rolster in Telecom Wars

Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok shares a laugh with his teammates backstage. Provided by Riot Games

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SK Telecom T1 (9-1, 18-5 match record) took home the win at the Telecom Wars II with a 2-1 victory over KT Rolster (7-3, 16-7) on Sunday during Week 6 Day 5 of the League of Legends Champions Korea in Seoul, South Korea.

Despite early KT Rolster plays that secured kills, SK Telecom T1 started to run away with a lead in the mid game through dominating objective control and teamfights. SKT's top laner Seung-Hoon "Huni" Heo had a good showing on Gangplank, making good use of Cannon Barrage to pick up early kills and assists while earning a farming lead in lane. Huni's early lead made him a huge damage threat late as Cannon Barrage and Powder Keg chain explosions decimated KT Rolster in teamfights. With KT Rolster struggling to secure kills and finishing with only five kills to SKT's 15 in Game 1, SK Telecom T1 took a 1-0 series lead.

Game 2 was much closer from start to finish with multiple momentum swings throughout. KT Rolster executed good early ganks to push ahead in gold as SKT couldn't get return kills and fell behind. SKT clawed their way back, regaining a gold lead in the mid game by taking objectives, but some bad turret trades lost them their inhibitors and allowed KT Rolster to take control late. Against KT Rolster's superior teamfighting composition, SKT were helpless as KT's second Baron power play extended Telecom Wars II to Game 3.

SKT subbed in top laner Kim "Profit" Jun-hyung and jungler Kang "Blank" Ha-neul for Game 3, the latter who got mid laner Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok's Zilean off to a good start in lane with early ganks as Graves, securing the first two kills of the game. KT's jungler Go "Score" Dong-bin answered by ganking bottom lane as Rengar, securing first turret gold. While KT Rolster was ahead in turrets, dragons and gold, they crucially trailed SKT in kills. SKT eventually evened up the turret score and took control late due to their teamfighting prowess. Despite securing a late Baron, KT Rolster floundered in the late game as SK Telecom T1 applied pressure across the map until they finally found an opening to destroy KT Rolster in a teamfight and push to win the series.

SKT's next opponents on the Rift will be the Jin Air Green Wings on Tuesday at 3 AM EST. KT Rolster will see action next on Thursday at 3 AM EST when they go up against BBQ Olivers.