
OG loses MoonMeander, Cr1t-, Miracle- in roster shuffle

OG, left to right: David "MoonMeander" Tan, Amer "Miracle-" Al-Barkawi, Tal "Fly" Aizik, Johan "N0tail" Sundstein, and Andreas Franck "Cr1t-" Nielsen Oliver Ludlow for ESPN

In a Facebook announcement Wednesday, European Dota 2 powerhouse OG announced the departure of David "MoonMeander" Tan, Andreas "Cr1t-" Franck Nielsen and Amer "Miracle-" Al-Barkawi.

The three players will now be free agents headed into the upcoming unannounced major. They will be highly sought after, especially star mid Miracle-. This leaves Tal "Fly" Aizik and Johan "N0tail" Sundstein as the only remaining members of the original OG, and three vacancies on the lineup heading into the add period.

In a statement for OG, Nielsen and the others thanked fans for sticking with the team, and wished the organization luck in future endeavors.

"We accomplished something few would have expected and it was the dream start to my career," said Nielsen. "I will forever cherish this last year and it's with mixed feelings that I move on and continue to develop my career that all begun with OG."

OG closed its statement stating they will soon announce new players for the organization, and some "other surprises" as well. Several core, offlane and support players have hit the market in the roster shuffle season, and even missing these three, OG has the pull and status to likely bid for some of the more prestigious free agents. We'll know more as we approach end of the drop-add period on Sept. 4 for the upcoming 2017 competitive Dota 2 season.