
ESPNHS Monday: Best blogs 4/27

Editor's note: ESPNHS is a collection of the best blogs and videos from high schoolers across the country. Want to get involved? Start blogging and uploading videos today!


Talladega Knights


By Baseballanderson
So this weekend there was a lot of things to be excited about in the world of sports. Things like of course the draft, NHL and NBA playoffs, The Sox Sweep of the Yanks, etc. But one thing that stood out was the frightening crash at Talladega that sent Carl Edwards air-bourne and 7 fans injured. But who is to blame for this? Talladega, Edwards, Inertia? Edwards said how the surface was bad, there were other ideas like the speed. But what really happened only God knows. This morning I watched it on Sports Center and the way he hit it and how the parts flew everywhere was really amazing. I'm not positive how the fans got hurt but one thing I think is to blame is the flimsiness of the cars. Read more ... and weigh in!


New Idea for fantasy baseball, new rules/settings/playoffs


By danzimnikov
So me and my friends were discussing how we can make fantasy more interesting and we came up with the following:

Regular Season:

12 teams, h2h points scoring with a lot of categories. Positive things like homeruns, rbis, etc give you positive points. Errors, losses, blown saves give you negative points. Pretty simple and nothing new. Check out more of danzimnikov's new rules for fantasy baseball.


If Poker Can Be A Sport, Why Can't MLG Be A Sport?


By Diesel8590
If anyone reading this knows me, they know I'm a very avid Gamer. Most of my time revolves Video Games and writing these blogs, but what has astonished me is how I see Poker showing on three different channels and thinking to myself, "How in the Name isn't Video Gaming this popular"? Which brings me to the simple question: Why hasn't ESPN embarked on this?
Talk with Diesel8590 about your favorite games and if you'd like to watch MLG on TV!

In memory

Devastating Loss for El Paso


By CHSHusky4Life
Last friday, on April 24, Gerald Smith was shot and killed on his way to school. Gerald was a senior at Chapin High school in El Paso, Texas and would have graduated with his friends and in front of his family this June. He was a good friend, although I didn't know him as well as others, and he was the kind of guy that you could look up to. He was a football olayer, backup cornerback, number 15. Read CHSHusky4Life's full blog post.

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