
ESPNHS Thursday: Best blogs 4/9

Editor's note: ESPNHS is a collection of the best blogs and videos from high schoolers across the country. Want to get involved? Start blogging and uploading videos today!


The Pirates Might Be the Shocker


By Mark-Vasbinder
Yes you heard me right I think the Pirates yes the Pirates might get hot and be the team to beat in the NL. The Pirates have an upgraded offence and Jack Wilson looks healthy and ready for a new campaing. Some of the new names on the roster are Eric Hinske and some players that will make a difference is Brandon Moss, acquired in the Red Sox, Dogers trade. ... read more from Mark-Vasbinder

The yanks lookin down, Cards lookin good

Nats4Life A7X

By Nats4Life A7X
YWhile the yankees got ripped on opening day by the orioles, i cant help but feel a sense of laughter. i mean, spending,what, $400 million on 3 players? i can understand cc and texiera. but burnett is just not worth the money. and i think texiera is gonna be a bust while a-rod is hurt. when you put together a-rod and texiera , you get two great players who are inept at making clutch plays, and not being the hall of famers everyone expects them to be. but Albert Pujols on the other hand,what can you say about him? MVP?
Check out the rest of this blog!


The Best Ever


By BoBulus0
Alright, I'm 16, and there are some things here the I wasn't even born for, but that won't stop me from putting in my two sense. Here, I'm going to talk about the greatest team of all-time and the arguments for teams of the past. Read more ... and weigh in!

Another Lottery Pick For the Nets: What is Their Future?


By Jets246292
Today the Nets officially dropped out of the playoff race. With a lost to the Celtics and a win by the Pistons the Nets are out. Even if the Nets had won the still would have been out. I am disappointed in their season this year and a win of the lottery could help the Nets be a domniant team in the future. The future of the Nets looks Something like this: Read who Jets246292 thinks will be the future of the Nets.


Jay Cutler


By mrlofi
So Jay Cutler has been traded to the Bears.
In my opinion, this is good for the Bears, but bad for Jay.
The Bears finally have a really good, consistant QB, but one of the main problems with the Bears is their crap WR corps.

Do you think that Cutler will be able to get passed that and make the Bears a huge force in the NFC? Or will the Bears lack of WR leave them without a viable offense?
What do you think? Will the Bears be a force in the NFC?

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