
ESPNHS: Best of steroids in baseball blogs

Editor's note: High schoolers across the country responded to the news that Alex Rodriguez tested positive to steroids. ESPNRISE.com has put together the best blogs on steroids in baseball. Do you have something to say on this issue? Blog about it.

Steroids in baseball blogs

Steroid League Baseball


By eaglezgrl11
With the recent uproar over A-Rod's steroid use, I figured now was as good a time as any to introduce my idea for Major League Baseball. It doesn't seem fair for steroid users to be in the same league as those few who actually put in hard work, does it? Or be in the same Hall of Fame? Therefore, I introduce to you, "Steroid Leage Baseball!" Steroid League Baseball, or SLB for short, is a league, in which steroid users can compete against each other. They have the same rules and statistics as MLB and can even be inducted into their very own Hall of Fame- the SLB Hall of Fame! Read more about the SLB.

A Cheater's Anthem


By coleadbe
Here is a poem I wrote about the Roger Clemens-Brian McNamee saga. This is written from McNamee's point of view. It may seem like I am defending Clemens but I am not. I am just pointing out how disgusting this whole ordeal is by a decency standpoint. Mind you, I am not a poet, so don't be so critical. Here goes nothing. ... Read the poem

A-rod, Bud Selig, and the shamed sport of baseball


By sportsbrains139
Will baseball ever be the same? Is it fair to Alex that only his name came out? These are just a pair of a million questions MLB fans have for the MLB. But probally the biggest and most important question is who are the other 103 names on that infamous steriod list? After the Mitchell report was released last year we witnessed the fall of one of the "greatest" in Roger Clemens who shamed himself and is probally going to do some time in jail with in the next 1-2 years pending on how fast and how long his trial will take.
Read more ... Do you think baseball will ever be the same?

Steroids and Baseball


By syracuse1811
Man I stayed from school sick on tuesday and all I heard was A-Rod took steroids and he apologizes and Bud Selig wants to punish him. Well here's my take on it.
Steroids are apart of sports. There's no telling when they began, who took them, and who hasn't took them. There's no way to know that A-Rod only took steroids from 01-03. There's no way to know if Derek Jeter has taken them. ... Read full post

A Very Dark Day


By chiunit12
Everyone on the planet knows that Barry Bonds used steroids, and everyone knows Roger Clemens used steroids. Two of the greatest players in major league baseball history. I personally thought they were some of the few exceptions. That a lot of the greatest players in the league got the stats the right way and people like clemens and bonds were just two big names among the thousands of nobody players that used steroids. ...Read full post from chiunit12

Roid Raged


By rockthatlobster23
Yes. I love sports. I love the strong muscular men who play them. Duh.

Yes. I hate cheaters. Every woman in the world hates them I'm pretty sure.

So, with all sorts of MLB players like A-Rod, Barry Bonds, and Roger Clemens now being thrust into the public eye, I'm beginning to lose the respect I once had for America's great past-time.Men in the MLB are getting paid millions of dollars to do something that my high school friends are only going to be able to dream about because no matter how much weight training, running, and devotion they give to playing baseball, football, etc, they're always going to be inadequate in the eyes of pro scouts. ... Read more!

A-Rod Comes Clean


By yanksknicksfan
Yes, what Alex Rodriguez did was stupid. Yes, it compromised the integrity of the game. Yes, it may have torn down the final pillar of honesty and excellence that the "Steroid Era" was so desperately leaning on. Yes, we'll never be sure of anyone again and yes, all his records are tarnished. But I'll tell you something; it is so refreshing to hear someone handle criticism head on, like a man. Bonds, Sosa, McGwire, Palmeiro and etc. have all dragged us along like rag dolls while they play cat and mouse with the law. What they did (assuming they're all guilty) was wrong, but what they're doing now is despicable. They placed their fame, fortune, reputation and integrity ahead of what was good for baseball. ... Keep reading this blog

Hello Mr. A-Fraud


By WillH2017
A-rod, man what are you doing?! You were my fave player and now, now... It is not right. I am 10 years old and I am not young and stupid enough to take steroids. A-rod, man, you cannot honestly think that the press is gonna take that lie. Man, I dont know what is in you, or anyone else who took steroids. Everyone that has taken steroids in the MLB was once, before taking steroids, a great amazing player. So why take them. Alex, you have no idea how much of a fool you are making of yourself. What do you think of A-Rod now?

A-Rods Juicer Boosters

Flea Raymer

By Flea Raymer
i think a-rod is a great baseball player but why didnt he just admit to it when he was interviewed by Katie Couric. here is another question who has he been getting them from. did he get them from Bond,Clemens, or his personal trainer or whatever.
Weigh in! What do you think?

those yankees

moneymaking Aaron

By moneymaking Aaron
last year the yankees had really no one. well they did hace a-rod and derek jeter, but they really didnt do that much. Now they have aj burnett and cc sabathia. i think the yankees might have a chance at the world series in 09. this week is a sad week for all the yankee fans and players because of the news about a-rod taking steriods. if i was the MLB commisioiner i would of suspended a-rod for about half way threw the season. its not right to take drugs. What do you think about the Yankees this season?

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