
LW Red upsets Afreeca, Kongdoo clobbers Flash Lux

Tracer, an character in Overwatch. Provided by Blizzard

The quality of the seventh day of group stage games varied between excellent to crushingly one-sided fights at OGN Overwatch APEX Season 4. Luxury Watch Red pull the rug out from beneath Afreeca Freecs, while Kongdoo Uncia send Flash Lux to the graveyard.

LW Red vs. Afreeca Freecs

  • Map 1: Ilios (Control)

  • Map 2: King's Row (Assault/Escort)

  • Map 3: Volskaya Industries (Assault)

  • Map 4: Route 66 (Escort)

Not many expected LW Red to take the victory over AF, but a set of conditions were set forth that allowed this to happen. For one, losing Kim "Mano" Dong-Gyu to LW Blue dealt a huge blow to the AF lineup.

Not just that, but a few of the LW Red players stepped up big time, proving to all that the squad can compete. On Ilios, Choi "Wekeed" Seok-woo played an excellent Doomfist, while AF Jeong "ArHaN" Weon-hyeop once again died several times on the battlefield as a rival Doomfist. His repeated deaths fed a lot of valuable charge into the ultimate economy of LW Red.

King's Row went in the favor of Afreeca Freecs, but this had more to do with LW Red choking than AF defeating them properly. Both teams pushed the payload all the way until the end, and again LW Red players stepped up to show their talent. Jeong "Nenne" Yeon-kwan got an incredible triple Pulse Bomb kill as Tracer near the end of the push, and Lee "WonJaeLee Won-jae's Ana superbly kept the team topped off in health. Despite such a performance, LW threw the game in the timebank stage extremely hard and allowed AF to tie the series 1-1.

The rest of the series went in the favor of LW Red, though. Nenne continued to play excellently and AF continued to falter. ArHaN's Doomfist leaves so much lacking in the AF lineup in a meta where he needs to be played well. Let this series serve as a harsh lesson.

Kongdoo Uncia vs. Flash Lux

  • Map 1: Ilios (Control)

  • Map 2: King's Row (Assault/Escort)

  • Map 3: Horizon Lunar Colony (Assault)

This match was a decemation of Flash Lux, plain and simple. For the duration of all three maps told the same story. FL's Kim "Fleta" Byung-sun tried his hardest to carry his team but in the face of Yang "DDing" Jin-hyeok's Doomfist, it was simply a herculean task that no mortal should bear the weight of on his shoulders.

It's been said time and time again that Flash Lux has a historically weak track record throughout APEX history, but this is the worst rendition of it yet. Unable to coordinate, sloppy team decisions that lead to its demise, and any team could take it apart at the seams. The worst example of it yet was on the final map, Horizon Lunar Colony where the entire team tried to attack the point through a narrow stairwell when DDing's ultimate was up on Doomfist. Most teams play in bigger areas against a Doomfist because of the nature of Meteor Strike, allowing a team to reactively split up and run away from the impact point but in that narrow stairwell, FL was at the mercy of DDing. 2-0 on Ilios, full hold defense on King's Row, and full hold defense on Horizon Lunar Colony. Not a single team thus far in this season of APEX has lost so miserably as FL did against KDU.