
Dignitas gets wise to Echo Fox shenanigans

Team Dignitas' top laner Kim “Ssumday” Chan-ho is a veteran of League of Legends. Provided by Riot Games

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Team Dignitas (6-8, 16-19 match record) kept its playoff hopes alive with a 2-1 series victory against Echo Fox (5-9, 13-21 match record) on Sunday during Week 7, Day 3 of the North American League of Legends Championship Series Spring Split in Los Angeles, California.

Game 1 was close early on, but Echo Fox earned a small advantage after lane swaps around 15 minutes in. The lead didn't last long, however, as Team Dignitas evened up the gold with a Baron kill power play after a 3-for-0 teamfight victory. In a back-and-forth mid-late game, Echo Fox's jungler Matthew "Akaadian" Higginbotham on Graves and mid laner Henrik "Froggen" Hansen on Ahri came up huge during EF's Baron power play as it knocked down two of Dignitas' inhibitors. Unfortunately, Echo Fox overstayed while exposing DIG's Nexus, allowing Dignitas to rally back with an ace at the 40-minute mark to secure the third Baron of Game 1, but Dignitas couldn't close out this tumultuous series opener. Echo Fox managed to hold on defensively, scoring a 2-for-0 teamfight victory at 55 minutes to to rush down middle lane and finish off Game 1.

Dignitas jungler Lee "Chaser" Sang-hyun took Graves in Game 2 where he made an immediate impact, securing first blood just two minutes in. Akaadian took over the rest of the early game, however, as he roamed the map on Rengar to secure leads in kills and objectives. Echo Fox struggled in teamfights around the 29-minute mark, giving Dignitas four kills and a Baron buff. Dignitas continued to win extended teamfights in the late game, keeping the series alive after securing an ace that gave top laner Kim "Ssumday" Chan-ho's Gragas and support Alex "Xpecial" Chu's Thresh enough time to destroy Echo Fox's Nexus.

Echo Fox built a small advantage for itself early in Game 3 but Dignitas started to dominate teamfights around the 24-minute mark. Dignitas punished Echo Fox for every mistake it made as DIG expanded its control over the rift. Echo Fox managed to sneak a Baron kill but Dignitas reacted quickly enough to chase everyone down and score an ace. Dignitas lost no one in a final teamfight, surging into Echo Fox's base to take a crucial 2-1 series win.

Team Dignitas opens Week 8 with a series against Team Liquid on Friday at 6:00 p.m ET. Echo Fox will follow after facing off with Counter Logic Gaming at approximately 9:00 PM ET.