
FlyQuest rallies to defeat Phoenix1 2-0

Hai "Hai" Lame and FlyQuest overcame a big deficit in Game 1 to rally for a two-game sweep against Phoenix1. Provided by Riot Games

Two of the top teams in the North American League of Legends Championship Series clashed in Los Angeles on Saturday, as Phoenix1 took on FlyQuest. In heartbreaking fashion, P1 squandered away a gold lead in Game 1, and FlyQuest soared to a 2-0 series sweep.

Phoenix1 started off strong in Game 1, with AD Carry No "Arrow" Dong-hyeon picking up several early kills, finishing his Yomuu's Ghostblade in just 10 minutes. P1 rampaged through the midgame on the back of Arrow's ridiculous power, who finished with a game-high 64,000 damage dealt to enemy champions and a 12/3/9 KDA (kills/deaths/assists). Securing a 34-minute Baron alongside a 4-for-1 teamfight, Phoenix1 was poised to take Game 1, but FlyQuest fought back, taking several kills for free in the late game, thanks to top laner An "Balls" Le's very tank-like Maokai. Jungler Galen "Moon" Holgate's Kha'Zix was huge in late game teamfights for FLY, picking off Arrow and support Adrian "Adrian" Ma in fights en route to an 11/3/8 KDA. After a final 5-for-0 ace at 56 minutes, FlyQuest completed the miraculous comeback, closing out a 56-minute win.

FlyQuest carried this momentum into Game 2, picking up a 3-for-1 teamfight win for first blood at 10 minutes. Moon's Nidalee was lethal in the early game, finding several picks and additionally catching P1 jungler Rami "Inori" Charagh out for several kills. FlyQuest AD Carry Johnny "Altec" Ru also had a great performance on Jhin, landing Deadly Flourishes and Curtain Calls to secure kills, as FlyQuest snowballed out of control. Securing a Baron at just 22 minutes, FlyQuest had no problems destroying P1 in fights, which had no way to stop Altec from earning a 7/0/9 KDA. Dominant after a hard-fought comeback in Game 1, FlyQuest gave Phoenix1 a shellacking, finishing the 2-0 series sweep in a 28-minute stomp.