
Samsung Galaxy re-signs Worlds starting lineup

Samsung Galaxy finished its impressive run at the League of Legends World Championships in second place. Provided by Riot Games

2016 League of Legends World Championship runner-up Samsung Galaxy has re-signed its starting lineup to compete in the 2017 season, the team announced on Wednesday.

The team has come to new agreements with top laner Lee "CuVee" Seong-jin, jungler Kang "Ambition" Chan-yong, mid laner Lee "Crown" Min-ho, AD carries Park "Ruler" Jae-hyuk and Lee "Stitch" Seung-ju, and support Jo "CoreJJ" Yong-in. Substitute support Kwon "Wraith" Ji-min has yet to make a decision about his future, according to a report from South Korean news site Inven Global.

Samsung is the only South Korean team to retain the majority of its roster, as its peers -- SK Telecom T1, ROX Tigers, KT Rolster, Longzhu Gaming and Afreeca Freecs -- have made sweeping roster changes over the last week.

Together the lineup took second to SK Telecom T1 at the 2016 League of Legends World Championship at Los Angeles' Staples Center, taking home $760,500 in prize money. During its campaign at Worlds, the team topped its group, beating Royal Never Give Up, Team SoloMid and Splyce before defeating Cloud9 and H2K Gaming in the quarterfinals and semifinals respectively.