
Rapid-fire question faceoff: Wildturtle vs. Gate

Jason "WildTurtle" Tran first made waves in the League of Legends scene when he replaced Shan "Chaox" Huang on Team SoloMid. After some time with Immortals, he's back on TSM. Provided by Riot Games

We took two players from the hottest teams in the North American League Championship Series -- don't look now, Phoenix1 has won three out of four -- with Immortals' Jason "WildTurtle" Tran and P1's Austin "Gate" Yu and gave them the same seven questions to ponder.

They answer. You decide who gave the best answers.

If you could change one thing about League of Legends as a game, what would it be?

WildTurtle: I'd remove all ultimates that prevent people from dying. That's what I'd do.

Gate: I liked the game back in Season 3 or 4 [when] there seemed to be a lot of individual outplays. Now, recently, it's all team play, so it'd be nice if League of Legends let star players show their skill more.

You are now a head coach in the professional scene. Which non-NA LCS team would you choose to coach and why?

WildTurtle: I can't be a coach, man. Ah, I'd just coach...Fnatic. They're a team that is already winning and I could reap all the benefits. They're on the uprise.

Gate: Maybe SKT? Seems like I don't have to do much. I'd just ride off the [team's] skill and look good.

Who do you think is currently the best player at your position in the world?

WildTurtle: That's a hard one because AD carry doesn't have a distinct identity anymore. It's really hard to tell which players are playing well, so I'd just give that one to -- maybe Doublelift? Because I play against [him], and he's playing really well. That's who I'd give it to.

Gate: I think, from what I know, I like Mata's gameplay the most. He seems really confident all the time, even when he f---s up, so I'm pretty sure he's the best at the support position.

Who is one player from NA Challenger that hasn't already been in the LCS that you believe has the potential to do well in the major leagues?

WildTurtle: I think on the Challenger team Nova, Richard "Rikara" Oh is looking pretty strong. He's been doing pretty well in the Challenger series, so I think he'd do pretty well on an LCS team if he was picked up. Anytime I tune into the Challenger games, he's doing well or has really high CS.

Gate: Nicholas "Ablazeolive" Abbott [from Nova] kind of impressed me from NA CS. I think he just needs more experience. I think he's a pretty talented player, so he might do well in LCS.

Have you been playing Pokemon Go, and if so, what team did you join?

WildTurtle: I haven't been playing Pokemon Go that much. I'm like Level 10, and I'm Team Mystic. I only chose Team Mystic because Articuno is my favorite -- I didn't know it'd be the most popular faction.

Gate: Of course I've been playing Pokemon Go. I think every pro player I know is playing Pokemon Go unless they don't have a data plan. I'm on Team Valor. I'm like Level 9, I haven't played much. [My best Pokemon so far] is a Slowpoke.

You are thrown into the role as an owner. You can create a dream team, but you must select a top laner from LCK, a jungler from the NA LCS, a mid laner from the LMS, an AD carry from the EU LCS, and a support from China's LPL. What's your lineup, and what is your team's name?

WildTurtle: Smeb, Reignover, Maple, Zven, Mata. I'd call them the Turtles.

Gate: Smeb, Procxin, Maple, Steelback, Mata. [They'd be called] Mata and Friends.

If you were forced to stop playing League professionally tomorrow, which esports title would you switch to to continue your pro career?

WildTurtle: I'd try to break into the Dota 2 scene because I'm already pretty familiar with the game. I have enough experience with the LCS in general that I could give some insight into the Dota scene. [My MMR] is around 4.5k? 4.6? Something like that. Alchemist [is my favorite hero].

Gate: I'm actually sick in Overwatch, so I would easily go over to Overwatch. My skill level would be equal if not higher.