
Predicting Twins' season record

ESPN Chalk's Joe Peta is sharing his season win total projections for every MLB team, including a reason for optimism and pessimism.

Plus, he recommends an over/under play, or a pass. This is the entry for the Minnesota Twins.

Minnesota Twins

Reason for optimism: It looks like some more thought is being put into player acquisition.

Reason for pessimism: There aren't nearly enough new players being acquired.

In the Boston Red Sox write-up, there's a discussion on matching player skill sets with environment to obtain optimal performance. For instance, it was noted Pablo Sandoval's contact-on-every-at-bat-at-the-expense-of-walks-and-power approach to hitting played extremely well in AT&T Park. Similarly, Juan Pierre, derided by sabermetric types his entire career (despite often hitting .300) for his lack of walks as a leadoff man (and for his frequency of getting caught stealing) had a .343 batting average in Coors Field (in nearly 1,000 plate appearances). You could argue Pierre had more intrinsic value in Colorado because the large playing field played to his strengths of making contact nearly every at-bat.

A poor union of skills and environment would be to place poor fielders behind low-strikeout pitchers. But that is exactly the formula the Minnesota Twins have pursued for the past four seasons.