
NFL to implement overhauled procedures for football inspections

NFL officials will keep closer tabs on football inflation this season, according to multiple media reports.

Pregame pressure readings will now be documented, and there will be random halftime and postgame rechecks, as reported by Fox Sports and other outlets.

The new procedures also state that footballs will remain under the watch of NFL officials, who will inspect each one and deliver them to a kicking ball coordinator, who will take chain of custody of all footballs until 10 minutes before kickoff.

Footballs will continue to be required to have at least 12.5 pounds per square inch of air and no more than 13.5 psi. If a ball falls outside of those numbers and the air pressure must be adjusted, it will be adjusted to 13.0 psi.

The changes in the ball-handling procedures do not affect the preparation of the footballs the week before the games, according to ESPN's Chris Mortensen. The quarterbacks will still be allowed to prepare the balls before handing them over on Fridays before games.

According to the reports, which cite NFL officiating sources, the new procedures come in the wake of accusations of ball tampering by the New England Patriots in last season's AFC Championship Game.

Teams have still not received the policy change, according to Mortensen.

The Deflategate allegations led to discipline against the team and quarterback Tom Brady.

Brady is awaiting a decision from the NFL on the June 23 appeal of his four-game suspension.

ESPN's Chris Mortensen contributed to this report.