
Premier League rerank: Liverpool rising, Man United falling

We're going to let you in on a little industry secret: it is quite difficult to preview a soccer league's season when all of the teams in that league still have another month to both acquire more players and get rid of the ones they no longer want.

For example, seven players either joined or departed from Premier League clubs for transfer fees of at least €50 million since we wrote our preview at the beginning of last month:

So, with plenty of player movement and four match weeks since we last evaluated each of the 20 teams in the Premier League, we figured we'd rank them all again. To be clear: these are power rankings, not a prediction for how we think the table will shake out. In other words, if one team is ranked above another team, it means we think it should be favored over the other team if they met on a neutral field. These are our forward-looking estimates for how all 20 teams will perform from here on out.

Like last time, we each ranked everyone from 1 to 20, and then added up our ratings to produce one master list. The updated rankings are featured below, followed by our analysis of the biggest risers and fallers since the season began: