Match Timeline

  • KO
  • 34
  • HT
  • 45
  • 50
  • 71
  • 72
  • 74
  • 79
  • 84
  • FT

Match Commentary

Now Torres falls over the ball and Beckford fails to find to find Yakubu when he was free but that is it! Everton take the spoils, deservedly so. Liverpool's woes continue.
Half chances for Liverpool but Gerrard's pass for Ngog sees Jagielka bundle the ball wide. Everton's fans erupt.
Plenty of time and space for Backford as Everton break upfield but he fires over when he could have taken the ball closer in on goal.
Meireles gives Cahill a little shove as the board goes up. Four minutes added...
<img src="" height="15"> Beckford is clattered by Skrtel.
"Sacked in the morning," is the Gladys Street End's chant of choice now, towards poor old Roy.
Distin again does well to nick the ball away from Gerrard inside the area before Torres steps inside and forces a decent save from Howard.
Gerrard shoots after a break upfield but drags it wide. Liverpool in all sorts of trouble.
Bilyaletdinov finds Beckford but his curling shot is deflected behind. Corner.
<img src=""> Maxi goes off and Jovanovic comes on.
Gerrard floats in a good ball but Ngog flicks wide of the target.
Maxi wins a free kick on the right.
A superb ball from Gerrard that fools Jagielka and Howard but Torres can't turn it home. Corner.
Ngog flicks towards Torres but Gerrard can't collect. A big puff of the cheeks from Hodgson - a man under severe pressure.
<img src=""> Joe Cole trots off after another poor game and Babel is on.
Now Beckford turns in the area and is caught by Skrtel but Webb says no penalty, quite rightly.
Jagielka latches onto Cahill's knockdown and volleys wide but doesn't get the corner he was looking for.
Baines wins a corner off Maxi.
Beckford is lucky - he plays on after the whistle went and could have seen another yellow. He says he didn't hear the whistle.
<img src="" height="15"> Beckford gets a yellow for his first tackle, sliding in on Skrtel.
<img src=""> Arteta comes off now and Jermaine Beckford is on.
Arteta is down after a collision with Ngog but he looks like he'll be ok.
Liverpool's fans have their heads in their hands.
<img src=""> Now an Everton change: Heitinga off and Hibbert on.
<img src=""> Here is the change: Lucas off and Ngog on.
Distin charges forward after dispossessing Cole but he can't find the Yak. Liverpool on top now as Everton try to sit compactly.
Another sight of goal for Meireles, as Everton give him space. Howard fumbles slightly but grabs hold at the second attempt.
Krygiakos and Cahill go down in the area but nobody screams for a pen apart from the Aussie.
Cole skips inside a couple of challenges but blazes his shot high and wide. Not good enough. Again.
Surely Hodgson has to make changes soon. Even Ngog. Just something.
Maxi nods down for Torres who fires the ball high over the bar.
Joe Cole tries an effort but Jagielka blocks. Everton sitting deeper now.
Meireles tries an effort from distance right at Howard.
Torres takes a tumble in the box claiming Jagielka held him back. Not a bar of it.
A little better from Liverpool as they string some passes together but there is no end product yet again.
Gerrard's corner is awful and his body language is very poor. Hodgson chatting intently with Sammy Lee on the bench.
Carragher's run wins a corner for Liverpool.
Torres isn't getting a sniff at the minute. Distin is doing a decent job on him.
A crunching tackle from Carragher on Baines then a neat Everton move down the left results in a throw in.
Bilyaletdinov's cross is aimed at Yak but he can't hit it left footed on the swivel.
A slight opening at the far post for Carragher but his cross from inside the box is awful.
Coleman charges at the Liverpool back line but can't offload to Yakubu at the vital time.
Everton's fans are loving this now and Roy Hodgson looks a little lost. It'll take a lot of bottle to fight back from this now.
That has knocked the stuffing out of Liverpool and now Carragher shows his frustration with a little barge on Arteta. Cahill, of all people, plays peacemaker.
<img src=""> <b>GOAL</b> Arteta with a screamer from the edge of the box! He brought it down and lashed it into the net from 18 yards. Reina no chance.
Bilyaletdinov wins a corner off Carragher.
A much better start to the half from Liverpool but no clear openings as of yet.
An early opening for Maxi but his shot is right at Howard.
<img src=""> We begin again, and Everton have made a change: Bilyaletdinov on for Osman.
<img src=""> <br> Tim Cahill celebrates his opening goal.
<b>HALF TIME</b> A superb ball in from Gerrard goes untouched as only Torres was in ther box and that is the last action of the half.
Yakubu looks lively and he releases Osman whose shot is held comfortably by Reina. Two added minutes.
Roy Hodgson needs to do something bold at half time you feel if he is to change the course of the game.
Gerrard's fine pass finds Torres but again he is shackled by Distin.
Cole's crossing has been awful this afternoon and his latest is cleared easily by Distin. Torres feeding on scraps again.
Torres and Meireles gets in each other's way as Konchesky's cross comes in and Cole is hobbling after a Jagielka challenge.
Reina bowls the ball straight to Heitinga. Liverpool are wobbling a bit here.
Osman is down with a knock as Everton fans sing: "going down," at their Red counterparts.
Two very poor Arteta corners are cleared by Gerrard.
Now Osman has a great chance to slide in Coleman but he tries to hold of Krygiakos. He does win a corner though.
An excellent run from Coleman, who still managed to squeeze his cross in despite the attentions of Konchesky and Meireles. Cahill's finish was emphatic and Everton deservedly lead.
<img src=""> <b>GOAL</b> Cahill smashes Coleman's cross into the net at the near post! Great finish after a great run!
Lucas has acres of space to pick out a decent cross but he doesn't - knocking the ball straight out of play.
Yakubu is sandwiched by Skrtel and Krygiakos and goes down with a limp. Carragher is chirping as ever.
<img src="" height="15"> Meireles is booked for holding back Yakubu seconds after his shot from the edge of the box was blocked by a blue shirt.
Torres wins a corner for Liverpool off Baines.
Actually, it was for a swipe on Gerrard as the LIverpool skipper came away with the ball. Late and wild. No complaints.
<img src="" height="15"> Arteta gets a talking to but Cahill is booked, presumably for chatting back to the ref. Silly boy.
Decent interplay between Yakubu and Cahill ends with the Nigerian shooting towards the bottom corner and Reina saves well.
A poor ball from Cole as Gerrard released Lucas on the break. Arteta may well be carded when the ball goes out for a late challenge.
Webb penalises Baines then has a word with Meireles, who went in late on Coleman.
Neville's poor cross allows Liverpool to break but Distin does well to shepherd Torres out and Everton regroup.
Now Krygiakos knocks down a long ball for Lucas but his half volley from the edge of the box is high and wide.
Now Cole crosses for Torres, who flicks on, forcing Howard to tip over the bar.
Liverpool's first decent attacking spell in the game ends when Baines eases Carragher off the ball.
Neville takes an age over a throw in and Krygiakos wins a goal kick off the Yak when it finally comes in.
Torres hasn't had a kick yet.
Yakubu is making a nuisance of himself in the area but he then slides in on Skrtel and concedes a free kick.
<img src="" height="15"> Liverpool's passing is woeful. Maxi is forced into a tackle as a result and Webb decides that is enough and he gets booked.
Arteta takes the free kick but Cahill is penalised for a foul.
Gerrard nips Arteta as he turns and Everton are incensed but it is just a talking to. Webb, perhaps wisely, holding off producing yellows in a feisty opening. Once he pops he can't stop.
Gerrard and then Cole clear but Everton come at them again. Liverpool can't keep hold of it.
Now Distin fires just wide! He collects Baines' cross and does well to get a shot off and Skrtel got a nick. Corner.
Phil Neville wins a free-kick but then gives Webb plenty. Not sure why. He apologises when the ref wanders over for a word.
Arteta's free kick is blocked but Everton rebuild and as Osman shoots it falls to Jagielka, who blasts over from 14 yards. A good chance.
Plenty of blood and thunder but not much quality on show as yet. Now Skrtel hauls down Yakubu on the edge of the box and Everton have a decent opening.
Cahill finds Coleman but his cross is poor.
Arteta's long ball is too strong for Baines.
Torres chases an aimless pump from Krygiakos but Distin shields.
Howard Webb gets in the way of a Steven Gerrard pass and gets a mouthful.
Reina comes to punch but doesn't get much on it before Lucas closes down Coleman before he can shoot.
A neat free-kick sees Osman get into the area but Carragher is alive to it - corner.
Osman charges in on Carragher, who gives Torres a blast for not making himself available.
Carragher piles in on Pienaar after Kyrgiakos got a knock from Yakubu.
<b>KICK OFF</b>
A lovely banner from the Everton fans reads: "Agent's Hicks and Gillett: Mission Accomplished."
John W Henry is at Liverpool today, but will he see his new side record only their second win of the season? The omens are good as the Reds have beaten Everton in eight of their last ten attempts, including a 1-0 victory at Goodison last season.
<b>Liverpool:</b> Reina, Carragher, Skrtel, Kyrgiakos, Konchesky, Gerrard, Lucas, Meireles, Cole, Maxi, Torres. <p>Subs: Jones, Aurelio, Jovanovic, Babel, Ngog, Spearing, Kelly.
<b>Everton:</b> Howard, Neville, Jagielka, Distin, Baines, Coleman, Heitinga, Arteta, Osman, Cahill, Yakubu. <p>Subs: Mucha, Hibbert, Bilyaletdinov, Beckford, Gueye, Mustafi, Baxter.
Team news is in and here it is:
Will it be the start of a new era at Liverpool? Tom Hicks and George Gillett have been ousted and the new American duo Tom Werner and John W Henry have taken control at Anfield.<a href="" target="_blank">Werner claimed today that Roy Hodgson's job is safe</a> and that the Reds boss will be given money to improve the squad. Surely a good sign!
Hello all and welcome to live text commentary of Everton v Liverpool at Goodison Park. This is one of the most hotly anticipated Merseyside derby; with the blue and red halves of the city both struggling towards the foot of the Premier League, it's must win for both clubs.