
SA Rugby rolls out Blue Card concussion management system

The Blue Card assessment system provide a visual aid to facilitate correct on-field concussion management. SA Rugby

South Africa Rugby is rolling out the Blue Card assessment system as a visual aid to facilitate correct on-field concussion management at all levels of the game, except elite adult tournaments or matches in which World Rugby has approved the use of Head Injury Assessments.

The Blue Card -- which signals players who need to be removed from the field due to a concussion or suspected concussion -- has been used at the SA Rugby Youth Weeks over the past two years, and the success of the protocol has prompted extended use at school and club level, SA Rugby Junior Provincial Championships, and the Currie Cup First Division.

SA Rugby said in a statement that the decision to extend use of the protocol had been made in consultation with medical experts, key rugby safety stakeholders and its own rugby department.

The Blue Card Concussion System works on the 'Recognise and Remove' principle and enforces the immediate removal of an affected player from the match.

All concussions and suspected concussions will be recorded via a standardised referees Blue Card report, while an online reporting tool has also been developed.

Individuals whose email details are recorded through the online system will be sent relevant information and advice pertaining to the management of concussion. They will also gain access to a database of medical doctors sufficiently versed in concussion management for rugby union, through collaboration with Sports Concussion SA.

"We believe the Blue Card is an effective way of continuing to raise awareness about concussion and the risks associated with it, and by progressively rolling it out at all non-HIA levels of rugby in South Africa, shows our continued commitment to player welfare and safety," SA Rugby chief executive Jurie Roux said in the statement.

"The players are the most important component of the game, and their health, welfare and longevity is our top priority. Players at these levels often return home after sustaining a concussion or suspected concussion, and the correct steps are not always followed by those closest to them to ensure that they return to play safely.

"By having a portal through which they can find medical doctors in their regions who are experienced in concussion management for rugby union and also receive guidelines on how to return to the field safely, we believe it will contribute to longer and more rewarding careers, while improving our education, awareness, reach and knowledge base on this very important subject."

Jon Patricios, a professor in Sports Medicine who serves as a specialist consultant for World Rugby and SA Rugby on concussion matters, lauded the Blue Card system.

"One of the principles of concussion management is that concussed players should be cleared to return to sport by a medical doctor," Dr Patricios said in the SA Rugby statement.

"Importantly, the Blue Card is not only a visible sign to players and spectators of potential concussion, it also creates access to a network of doctors experienced in concussion management."