
Roger Goodell: PATs may be in past

The kick is up and it is no longer good.

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell told the NFL Network that the league's competition committee could consider abolishing the PAT.

"The extra point is almost automatic," Goodell told NFL Network. "I believe we had five missed extra points this year out of 1,200 some odd [attempts]. So it's a very small fraction of the play, and you want to add excitement with every play."

Goodell said one suggested proposal involved a touchdown being worth seven points instead of six, with the potential for an extra play from scrimmage that would yield an eighth point. However, "if you fail, you go back to six [points]," Goodell explained.

The commissioner did concede however there are still some roadblocks to any such change. Goodell posed the question, "Is that going to discourage people from going for two?"

Regardless, the possibility remains that something that has become nearly automatic may become completely obsolete.

San Francisco 49ers kicker Phil Dawson took to Twitter on Tuesday and mockingly addressed the proposed change.