
ESPNHS: Best Jay Cutler blogs 4/3

Editor's note: ESPNHS is a collection of the best blogs and videos from high schoolers across the country. Bloggers have a lot to say about Jay Cutler heading to Chicago. Want to get involved with ESPNHS? Start blogging and uploading videos today!

Blog of the Day

I want a riot.


By BoBulus0
The Denver Broncos just traded Jay Cutler.We all know the saga with McDaniels and Cutler so I'm not going to explain. If you haven't, go read any Jay Cutler article.

I believe that Josh McDaniels should last as long as Orton. One year. Denver needs to trade ours or Chicago's first round next year (whoever has a worse year), next year's second, and maybe Kyle Orton for the first overall pick to get Bradford. We need a Quarterback. I believe that there is a legitimate reason to riot in the city of Denver, Colorado.
Weigh in on this blog!

Cutler to the Bears

A New Chicago Bears Team!


By pwusa7
Wow, was the first word out of my mouth when I heard that the Bears traded for Cutler. It was the first time in a long time that the Bears had made a big time deal that could make their team a playoff contender for sure in the 10-11 season, and maybe in the 09-10 season. Finally the Bears will have a good rap in terms of quarterbacks, because they have had a bad rap on their quarterbacks for years.
... read more and talk to pwusa7 about the Bears and Cutler.

Cutler is great....but he won't change anything

Kevin Gartman

By Kevin Gartman
If were a Bears fan, I would be happy about getting Jay Cutler. I would. Be I think Bears fans need to be realistic and look at the team as a whole. Signing Orlando Pace gives some protection for Cutler. The offensive line isn't the problem. The Bears defense is good almost every year, and once again, isn't the team's problem. However, I fail to see how adding Jay Cutler will give the team any improvement over Kyle Orton when the team has no one to catch the ball! The Bears leading receiver last year was Devin Hester with 665 yards. 665. Bears fans have to admit that their receiving core was plain awful. ... keep reading this post!



By lsu9soccer
Jay Cutler is a great QB but I don't think he will change too much for Chicago without better players around him. They need alot of work on their o-line and thier wide-outs could use help also. He will make them better but not contenders. So all Bear fans need to settle down, ya'll are not going to be great this season. Ya'll will be better but I am not sold on this trade. And ya'll gave up way too much for him Broncos did great with this trade. But we will all see what happens this season.
How do you think the Bears will do this season with Jay Cutler?

Jay Cutler meets Da Bears


By lvadaman17
Today ex Bronco quarterback Jay Cutler was traded to the Chicago Bears for Kyle Orton, 09 First round draft pick, 2010 First round draft pick, and a third round draft pick.

Denver definately got the better end of this trade. Mcdaniels for one thinks that Orton will fit well in his style of play and that is always a bonus.
Check out more from Ivadaman17

Cutting Playoff Hopes?


By Jets246292
As we all know, Jay Cutler is now a Bear. Are the Broncos still a playoff contending team? Well, the answer is no. Even with Jay Cutler they didn't make the playoffs and now they expect to be close to the playoffs? I wouldn't be suprised if the Raiders finish better than them. Jay Cutler enhances the Bears resume but does not exactly make the Bears a great team. ... Read the rest of this post

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