
Super players take the field

Each weekday, ESPN RISE brings you five vital stats from high schoolers across the country.

Bedford Academy High School (Brooklyn, N.Y.) juniors Shauntavia Sanjurjo and Nichole Williams are comic book fans. The friends spent last weekend at the New York Comic Con, where they got to meet artists and writers from their favorite books. Superheroes are often too busy saving the world to play football with their friends, but Sanjurjo and Williams have put together a team of five masked characters that would be super athletes on the field.

Nichole's team

1. Invisible Woman
She's invisible so no one can catch her. She can take the ball, no one will see her, and she'll score."

2. Flash
He's going to go really fast with no one will see him, just a flash."

3. Hulk
Defense. Nobody gets past him."

4. Human Torch
No one can tackle him."

5. Batman
He's got gadgets. They would trip people."

Shauntavia's team
1. Elastic Girl
"She can stretch so she's stretch out of the way. She's good."

2. Go Ku -- Dragon Ball Z
"He's really fast and has a lot of power to him."

3. Piccolo -- Dragon Ball Z
"Totally scary. He'd just look at somebody and they'll walk away. He's strong too."

4. Superman
"The man of steel."

5. Pikachu
"When you need a couple more seconds, Pikachu can just shock to get them."

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