
Watching movies with Sandoval

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Senior wrestler Jeremy Sandoval of Colleyville (Texas) Heritage has a chance to win a fourth state championship this winter, a feat never before accomplished by a public school grappler in Texas. That's a lot of pressure. But one way the senior takes his mind off that gargantuan task in front of him is to head to the movie theater and take in a flick or pop in a DVD at home. Here, Sandoval lays out his five favorite types of movies and a favorite or two within each genre.

1. Adam Sandler movies
"I know some of the more recent ones haven't been as good, but movies like 'Happy Gilmore' and 'Billy Madison' were hilarious."

2. Pixar movies
"It's amazing how there is something in those movies for everyone. Kids love them and they are pretty funny for everyone else also. 'The Incredibles' is probably my favorite."

3. Graphic novel movies
"I loved '300.' Those kind of movies are pretty hardcore."

4. "The Dark Knight"
"This one deserves its own category it was so good. I heard so much about it, and it was still better than what I expected. The action, the acting, the story, it was all top notch."

5. John Hughes movies
"They are from a different era, but the high school drama stuff is still the same and very funny. Obviously 'Sixteen Candles' and 'The Breakfast Club' are the big ones."

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