
Lester pins down favorite movies

Each weekday, ESPN RISE brings you five vital stats from athletes across the country.

When Eureka (Mo.) senior wrestler Nick Lester isn't slamming opponents to the mat, he likes to spend his free time watching his favorite movies over and over again. The defending state champion and Oklahoma recruit gives us his favorite flicks.

1. "Zoolander"
"It's hella funny. There are so many lines from it, and I've seen it so many times."

2. "Hot Rod"
"It's just hilarious. If you want to just laugh at stupid stuff, this is a great movie."

3. "Superbad"
"Oh man, it cracked me up. There's nothing in the movie that I can repeat for you. It's definitely not a PG movie."

4. "Knocked Up"
"It just straight up made me laugh. Those guys always come out with funny stuff."

5. "I Am Legend"
"It's so intense the entire time. And it makes you think, 'What if you were the last man on Earth?'"

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