
Playing yo-yo with Bendet

Each weekday, ESPN RISE brings you five vital stats from athletes across the country.

Ladue Horton (St. Louis) sophomore Aron Bendet is an internet sensation for his yo-yoing skills. His skills earned him a 20th place finish at the 2008 National Yo-Yo Contest in October. Bendet gives us five tips on how to become a yo-yo star.

1. Practice and patience
"The basics can take a while to learn -- be patient."

2. The yo-yo does not make the yoyoer
"More expensive yo-yos will not make you a better yo-yoer."

3. Go online for help
"Online yo-yo communities are very helpful. They can answer any of your questions you have. Online trick videos make learning tricks easy."

4. Find local yo-yoers
"Find other yo-yoers in your area. Yo-yoing is way more fun with a friend."

5. Have Fun!
"Yo-yos are toys. Play yo-yo for fun!"

Lexie Tauben is a sophomore journalism student at Ladue Horton High School. Watch her video on Bendet yo-yoing.

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