
Talking presents with Criscione

Each weekday, ESPN RISE brings you five vital stats from athletes across the country.

Maplewood Richmond Heights (St. Louis) senior Nicholas Scott Criscione is used to being under pressure -- he is a soccer goalie and a football field goal kicker, arguably two of the more stressful positions in sports. Since it's Black Friday, Criscione shares the top five gifts on his Christmas wish list.

1. Money
"I owe family video about $40. And it's always nice to have cash on hand."

2. Xbox Live
"I want to be able to beat my friends without having to leave my big screen"

3. Funny-looking socks
"I own too many white socks. It gets boring."

4. A new cell phone
"My phone likes to fall apart, and it's old."

5. A puppy
"I love dogs, and I've always been a sucker for puppies. They're so cute."

Amanda Ayers is a journalism student at Maplewood Richmond Heights
in St. Louis

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