
Putting around with Christine Meier

Each weekday, ESPN RISE brings you five vital stats from athletes across the country.

Rochester (Michigan) junior Christine Meier is one of the state's best girls' golfers, along with her older sister, Amy. Christine has Rochester on the right track for a state title, and she even has a shot at the individual title -- provided she can beat Amy. Christine took a moment to share five things she couldn't live without.

1. Phone
"I'm on my phone all the time."

2. iPod
"During class, if I don't have anything to do, I've got my iPod."

3. Golf clubs
"I don't know what I'd do without golf."

4. Television
"When I finally have a chance to relax, I watch some TV."

5. My favorite book
"It's 'My Sister's Keeper.' I read it all the time."