
Competition fuels teammates' friendship

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Jennifer George and Lindsey Watson love to compete against each other. The Bishop Moore (Orlando, Fla.) senior basketball stars have competed in nearly every sport since they first met at age 11. Their friendship has been strengthened through the competition. The best friends are here to share their top five favorite things to compete in:

1. Weight Lifting
"In the bench press, I give her the edge. She's gotten a lot stronger there. I have bigger shoulders so I'm better at the shoulder press," says George.

2. Bowling
"That's a toss up. Either one of us can win. Neither of us are very good," says Watson.

3. Tennis
"I love playing tennis. I would have to say I'm better than Lindsey," says George.

4. Golf
"We used to play golf all the time. We would always try to distract each other on the course. Of course, I am better," says Watson.

5. Tubing
"We love to go water tubing. I'm better on the lake. She falls off the tube all the time," says Watson.

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