
San Francisco is golden for Smith

Each weekday, ESPN RISE brings you five vital stats from athletes across the country.

De La Salle (Concord, Calif.) senior point guard Brandon Smith is rated the nation's No. 101 overall point guard on the Class of 2009. Smith is headed down the road to Berkeley to play college ball at Cal, and he gives us the top five reasons why he loves the Bay Area.

1. The diversity
"It's just so cool to see people of all nations living in the same city together."

2. The history
"Being able to look at the Golden Gate Bridge and know you're part of history is cool."

3. Option to do stuff
"There's so much to do in the Bay Area."

4. San Francisco is one of the best cities in the U.S.
"Being part of an important city means a lot to me. You're a part of the show."

5. The scenery
"The San Francisco skyline is beautiful. You're really thankful you get to live in an area like this."

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