
League of Legends global power rankings through June 25

League of Legends global power rankings through June 25 (8:49)

G2 Esports fall out of the No. 1 slot as they lose to unbeaten Fnatic, while the rest of the top five hold steady in our League of Legends global power rankings. (8:49)

1. FunPlus Phoenix

Record: 6-0 | League: LPL | +/-: +2

Are FunPlus Phoenix the best team in the world right now?

It's a hard maybe, even for someone who enjoys watching FPX and their mid laner Kim "Doinb" Tae-sang in particular. They are undefeated in matches, at 6-0 with only a single game loss thus far this split in China's LoL Pro League.

As we've said repeatedly in these rankings, not only this split but in spring as well, FPX are really good at what they do, and the current meta allows them no small amount of champion flexibility while doing it. They might not be able to triple-flex in champion select like G2 Esports, but Doinb's penchant for playing anything that suits his team in the mid lane fits the current meta very well. In FPX's 2-0 win over Royal Never Give Up, Doinb led the team on Renekton mid (which has become a bit of a staple for him) and Aatrox.

-- Emily Rand

2. G2 Esports

Record: 5-1 | League: LEC | +/-: -1

G2 Esports' performance this week was typical G2, for better or worse. On one hand, they trounced a listless Rogue, as if freeing pent-up frustrations or operating in a similar spirit to Summer Games Done Quick. On the other hand, they did so after receiving a Fnatic-engineered SGDQ-style thumping.

G2's loss is not a cause for long-term concern, but it indicates that their tendency to gloriously fail hasn't left them. After all, they lost similarly to Phong Vu Buffalo in the Mid-Season Invitational, and they might lose more contests before potentially reaching the LEC summer finals. For Europe's sake, one has to hope that their next loss won't happen during Rift Rivals in North America.

-- Adel Chouadria

3. Royal Never Give Up

Record: 4-1 | League: LPL | +/-: -2

Through last week, RNG looked like the most stable team in the LPL -- beating down weaker teams with little to no issue. The team's arguable first test came against FPX, and though it didn't necessarily pass, the 0-2 loss was closer than the scoreline indicates. RNG kept pace in the early game just fine, but poor reactions to cross-map play and strong solo lane presence sent it back down to earth. Still, FPX is arguably the best team in the world, and if RNG were going to lose to anyone, it would be against Doinb's team.

-- Xander Torres

4. Top Esports

Record: 4-1 | League: LPL | +/-: --

With all the talk about the aggressive nature of Chinese LoL teams, Top Esports is a team that plays a bit more slowly than the average LPL team (though that average is admittedly higher and quicker than in other regions). The star of this week for Top was the man who sets the early tempo for the team: jungler Xiong "Xx" Yu-Long. With so much attention rightfully given to Top's prodigious solo laners in Bai "369" Jia-Hao and Zhuo "Knight9" Ding, it was good to see Xx picking up an MVP for his proactive play in the Bilibili Gaming series after a few miscues in the Invictus Gaming series that iG ultimately won. Top have frequently been compared to iG, with both teams having a lot of individual talent but still working toward better macro play. It's an apt comparison and one that bodes well if Top can continue to improve and stop taking so many disadvantageous fights.

-- Rand

5. Kingzone DragonX

Record: 4-2 | League: LCK | +/-: --

South Korean League of Legends is experiencing a crisis of, well, if not confidence, then identity. Of all the teams that could rise from this crisis, I did not expect that team to be Kingzone DragonX. Kingzone were strong last split due to knowing how their team should play (around bot laner Kim "Deft" Hyuk-kyu). They were good at what they did but not particularly flexible.

Yet mid laner Yoo "Naehyun" Nae-hyun has stepped in admirably for injured Heo "PawN" Won-seok, and his success is a large part of the reason Kingzone can double flex between top and mid. I'm not as sold on top laner Kim "Rascal" Kwang-hee as others, but he has been much stronger this split than I thought he would be, as has jungler Moon "Cuzz" Woo-chan. Park "TusiN" Jong-ik was already playing carry Pyke before it was a thing, and Kingzone always have the strength of Deft as an insurance plan.

-- Tyler Erzberger

6. Fnatic

Record: 6-0 | League: LEC | +/-: --

Fnatic are an intriguing team combining excellence and unsteadiness. They trounced G2 Esports in the most beautiful way imaginable yet almost awarded Excel Esports their first victory of the season -- and a decisive one too. Their rise and status as a title contender is inevitable, and so is polishing their play before the playoffs. Undeniably, they have become G2's worthiest opponent since SK Telecom T1 at MSI.

Fnatic's drafts were the most important factor in their Week 3 games. Their G2-esque draft dazed G2 out of first place, thanks to a bot lane role swap (with Zdravets "Hylissang" Iliev Galabov playing AD Carry Pyke) and their top lane/jungle synergy. On the other hand, Excel's draft countered Fnatic, and they should have won had they not fumbled execution during the game's waning moments.

-- Chouadria

7. Griffin

Record: 5-1 | League: LCK | +/-: +6

Griffin still need to prove themselves in a domestic final to win back the trust of the Korean region after flopping versus SK Telecom T1 last season, but the road to redemption seems to be clear, as they sit at the top of the LCK standings after three weeks. Not only does Griffin have a 5-1 record, but also the only team with more circuit points, SKT, has the exact opposite record, barely hanging on at the bottom of the standings alongside Jin Air Green Wings. If things hold up and Griffin can finish the season as one of the top two seeds, Griffin will have locked up a spot at worlds. Their games versus SKT saw them revert back to the form that found them lagging at the end of the last split, but at the end of the day, they got the "W," and their boogeymen in SKT and KT Rolster -- the two teams to beat them in back-to-back LCK finals -- are nowhere to be seen in the playoff race.

-- Erzberger

8. Sandbox Gaming

Record: 5-1 | League: LCK | +/-: --

They're just not going away. When they started the spring split with a 2-0 record, I expected them to go away. I expected them to flounder and find themselves in relegations. When they made the playoffs but lost to Damwon Gaming in the wild-card round, I thought that was it; they reached their peak and would regress in the summer. Now we're one-third of the way through the LCK summer season, and they're 5-1, looking like a complete team from top to bottom. Sandbox have a legitimate MVP candidate in Park "Summit" Woo-tae and a new coach in Lim "Comet" Hye-sung, with world championship experience leading them. The safe money would still be on Sandbox not making it to worlds, but we're getting to a point where we might actually see 27-year-old Cho "Joker" Jae-eup make the international stage as a rookie. Sandbox are just not going away.

-- Erzberger

9. Team Liquid

Record: 6-2 | League: LCS | +/-: +3

After three weeks spent playing themselves back into form, Team Liquid finally rejoined the top 10 with quality wins over Golden Guardians and Clutch Gaming. Despite a pair of shaky mid games, the Mid-Season Invitational finalists displayed enough individual class to paper over their mistakes for a second-straight 2-0 weekend and sole possession of first place. Top laner Jung "Impact" Eon-yeong kept GGS at bay with an Aatrox performance that justified the pick's rise in priority, and AD carry Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng publicly demanded that Sona be nerfed after throttling Clutch with the AP support-turned-carry.

Liquid have shaken off the rust from one international tournament just in time for another. This weekend's Rift Rivals offers TL a chance to avenge an embarrassing 3-0 defeat at MSI when G2 Esports takes the stage at LCS Arena. While the stakes are diminished, Team Liquid will have a better understanding of where their weaknesses lie after this European interlude. Best in the West might be out of Liquid's reach, but best in North America? That's no longer up for debate.

-- Miles Yim

10. Invictus Gaming

Record: 4-2 | League: LPL | +/-: +6

Finally! The reigning world champion continued its trek back to the top this week, with a decisive 2-1 win over Suning. While the team took some time to adjust to some of Suning's bot lane shenanigans with Pyke and Yuumi, iG's supreme skirmishing came through in the end. Mid laner Song "Rookie" Eui-jin is still inactive due to family matters, but substitute mid laner Dong "Forge" Jie has stepped up big in his absence. Forge isn't at the top of the world like Rookie, but he provides the stability iG desperately needed.

-- Torres