
Vitality splyced in bloody sweep

Martin "Wunder" Hansen is a key player on the EU League of Legends team Splyce. Provided by Riot.

In one of the bloodiest series of the Summer Split, Splyce took down Vitality in a quick 2-0 sweep on Sunday to open the final day of the European League of Legends Championship Series in Berlin.

With nothing on the line except pride for both teams, it was time for Splyce (8-5, 16-13 match record) and Vitality (5-8, 12-17 match record) to have some fun. By fun, I mean rack up a staggering amount of kills in both games while drafting some of the most off-the-wall team compositions seen since yesterday's EU fiestas.

The first game saw Splyce come to the table with Shaco, Lulu, Twitch, Vayne and Gragas. To combat that highly volatile support Lulu (you laugh now, but just wait for it), Vitality brought out Bard, Fiddlesticks, Kayn, Blitzcrank and Garen. But instead of seeing Lulu in the jungle, fans got to see Twitch in the jungle with a clown fiesta of random role swaps.

While Vitality picked up an early advantage with kills in the opening few minutes, it was Splyce that flexed its muscles even in such a wacky matchup. It wasn't so much Splyce as a team that played well as it was top laner Martin "Wunder" Hansen's Shaco posting a 14/6/9 KDA (kills/deaths/assists) and support Jonas "Trashy" Andersen's Lulu going 14/6/6 (told you Lulu was volatile) in the game. There's just not much Vitality could have done to stop that onslaught in a game that featured a total of 70 kills in just 33 minutes.

Coming into this second game, Splyce once again trounced Vitality by the time things were all said and done. Even with the drafts being all over the place on both sides, Splyce still managed to shine in this final game. The game was fairly even when it crossed the 20-minute mark, with Splyce holding a slight 20-15 kill advantage, but then Splyce broke things open with a ferocious last 11 minutes that featured 36 kills from the playoff-bound side. That flurry was more than enough to lock up the 31-minute win to secure the series sweep.

With that, both of these teams are done for the split. Splyce will be heading into the playoffs to take on G2 Esports next weekend. Vitality, meanwhile, will have to watch the playoffs and Worlds from the couch while waiting for the Spring Split to commence.