
Cloud9 soars to victory over FlyQuest

Andy "Smoothie" Ta celebrates after Cloud9's victory over FlyQuest. Provided by Riot Games

In the marquee matchup of Week 4, Day 3 of the North American League of Legends Championship Series, FlyQuest looked to hand Cloud9 their first loss of the split. In a hard-fought contest, Cloud9 left Los Angeles, CA with a 2-1 series win to close out Sunday's games.

FlyQuest held an early lead in Game 1 with Galen "Moon" Holgate's jungle Evelynn picking up first blood on C9 top laner Jung "Impact" Eon-yeong's Camille. FlyQuest grew their gold lead in the mid game with Hai "Hai" Du Lam's Jayce dealing massive damage, eventually finishing with a game-high 18,200 damage dealt to enemy champions, but FQ couldn't outpace Cloud9's late game scaling. C9 caught FlyQuest taking Baron at 31 minutes, picking up a 4-for-1 teamfight win on the back of mid laner Nicolaj "Jensen" Jensen's teamfighting on Cassiopeia en route to a 6/1/8 KDA (kills/deaths/assists). A few minutes and a 5-for-2 teamfight win later, Cloud9 knocked down FlyQuest's defenses and made the comeback happen for the 34-minute Game 1 win.

Unfazed by their Game 1 loss, FlyQuest quickly took control of Game 2 with a five-man dive in bottom lane to pick up a 3-for-1 teamfight win and first tower gold at nine minutes. Snowballing out of control, FQ grew their lead in the mid game on the back of Hai's Corki poke damage, who finished with a game-high 28,300 damage dealt to enemy champions. After a great flank from An "Balls" Le's Maokai gave FlyQuest a 3-for-0 teamfight win and a Baron kill at 24 minutes, FlyQuest were in complete control of the late game, rolling through Cloud9's base to take Game 2 in around 35 minutes.

Cloud9 got ahead early in Game 3, picking up two kills before 10 minutes. A fight in the bottom lane gave FlyQuest's duo lane a kill and gave FlyQuest much needed presence on the map. Cloud9 reestablished control with a 2-for-0 teamfight at the 21-minute mark, securing a Baron kill and two more kills to begin their snowball. Taking the bottom lane inhibitor at 23 minutes, Cloud9 were poised to decimate FlyQuest, but FQ came back with a vengeance through crisp teamfighting in the mid-late game. Taking a 5-for-2 teamfight win and a Baron kill around 33 minutes, FlyQuest looked to take over the game, but Cloud9 fired back with a 3-for-1 teamfight at 38 minutes. Taking a Baron shortly afterwards, Cloud9 stormed through FlyQuest's base with a 5-for-2 ace to secure Game 3 and the series in 44:30.