
BlizzCon Overwatch World Cup: Europe, Asia and USA ready to roll

Sebastian "chipshajen" Widlund is an Overwatch pro on North America's Team EnVyUs, which has just won the MLG Vegas Invitational. He's a well respected Ana player. Provided by kenzi/Fomos

The last eight teams at the Overwatch World Cup will throw themselves back into fire and cruelty as they duke it out with each other for the glory of being the strongest country at BlizzCon on Nov. 4-5. After moving past the group stage, each of the teams have been seeded into the brackets, promising exciting and bloodthirsty matches to wow spectators across the globe.

George "ShaDowBurn" Gushcha set fire to the stage as he and the rest of the Russian team took down the American team on Nepal for the first seed out of the groups, and will have to repeat the performance lest France sneak up on them. France as a team wasn't expected to do well by even their own fans, but through coordination were able to break free of the chains of a deadly three way tiebreaker. Still, Russia will definitely be a high hurdle for them to hop over.

China also survived the tiebreaker with France and Thailand, and will now have to take on Sweden. Both teams looked almost impossible to overtake in the group stages, yet both were upset on the last day of group stages and will be looking for redemption as they face off on Friday. Speaking of Spain, having emerged victorious from its upset win against Sweden, Jose Antonio "BromaS" Ramos will be looking to show that his dominating McCree performance was no fluke.

The most anticipated match in the round of eight is South Korea versus America. Both teams were expected to be in at least the top four, but the quarterfinal face-off for these powerhouses will lead to an early elimination of one of the favorites of the tournament. South Korea has a history of overtaking every other region in the world in an esport once they start to focus and have proper support, so it comes down to whether or not America can squash these rising stars early on, or be overtaken by pure talent.