
Ahq suffocates INTZ with aggression

Chen "Ziv" Yi is the top laner for Ahq e-Sports club. Provided by Riot Games

Look up the definition of "suffocation" in the dictionary and you'll probably see the first match of Day 4 at the League of Legends World Championship. Ahq e-Sports Club brutalized INTZ's hero top laner, Felipe "Yang" Zhao, early on, opening the door for an aggressive poke comp to find the win.

Yang succumbed to a very persistent Xue "Mountain" Zhao-Hong and Chen "Ziv" Yi, netting himself three deaths and no kills at one point. This put INTZ in a bad position, and when resources were sent to back him up, ahq simply put pressure elsewhere. As the game wore on, you could visibly see the map become smaller and smaller for the Brazilians as ahq's stranglehold tightened.

By 20-minutes, ahq was up 7k in gold. Its decisiveness led to Mountain's Nidalee (5/3/5) and Ziv's Jayce (5/2/6) punishing the wildcard team. INTZ's hesitation and poor attempts to initiate a teamfight that would go in its favor were met with more poke until ahq forced a Baron call that cleaned up most of the team. Ahq took the nexus at 35:09.