
OG picks up JerAx, s4 and Ana

Jesse “JerAx” Vainikka plays for Team Liquid at 2016 ESL One Frankfurt, a Dota 2 tournament. Provided by Helena Kristiansson/ESL

OG has picked up three new members, Jesse "JerAx" Vainikka, Gustav "s4" Magnusson and Anathan "Ana" Pham, to add to the remaining members of the team from The International 6, Tal "Fly" Aizik and Johan "n0tail" Sundstein.

Vainikka comes from Team Liquid, his free agency unknown until moments before this announcement. The four-role support for Liquid was well-known for his dominant roaming and the pressure he exerted on every lane in the early game. The new mid laner Magnusson is a longtime veteran of Alliance, having won the Aegis at TI3. This team often focused its resources in the mid lane last year, so Magnusson makes sense as both a playmaker and a leader for the new OG lineup.

The dark horse here is Pham, whose name isn't as internationally renowned as the other members of this team. Recruited by Invictus Gaming to sub in the mid lane in Luo "Ferrari_430" Feichi's absence, Pham is an 8000 MMR core player and might be a major pickup for OG.

Pham's addition to the roster throws a monkey wrench into the lineup, with three traditional cores fighting for the one and two roles, two supports and not a three-role in sight. Several players on the roster have a history of playing other roles, like Aizik's offlane period and Sundstein's competitive history as a support, but it leaves each definitive position up in the air.

Since the time of publication, OG has responded with confirmation with the distribution of roles on the team. Sundstein and Pham will be the one and two-role cores, while Magnusson moves to the offlane. Vainikka and Aizik retain their four and five-role support positions, respectively. This marks Magnusson's first time in the offlane as a competitive player, and Pham's first starting position in mid lane.