
G2 Esports triumphs over Origen, takes first in EU LCS

League of Legends team G2 Esports won the 2016 EU LCS spring and summer finals. Their high championship point total gave them first seed in the 2017 group draft. Provided by Riot Games

G2 Esports has defeated Origen in the European League Championship spring finals 3-1 after a back-and-forth clash in front of the Rotterdam crowd. That means G2 has earned 90 championship points in the European championship circuit--with Origen picking up a 70 point consolation prize for second place.

Under the leadership of G2's jungler, Kim "Trick" Gang-yun and Origen's jungler Maurice "Amazing" Stückenschneider, both teams showcased aggressive plays--and a few lopsided games.

With a total Kill-Death-Assist spread of 14/11/22 across three games, a 64% kill participation ratio, and 21% of his team's total damage dealt to champions, Trick earned the EU LCS Championship Finals MVP title.

During game one, the two junglers set the tone for the series with ganks across the map.

Trick gave away first blood following a risky dive in the mid-lane (6:30), but that was merely a setback, as he followed up with a successful gank on Tristan "PowerOfEvil" Schrage (8:20). Later on, he sieged the top lane following a takedown on Paul "sOAZ" Boyer (12:00) and set his mid laner, Luka "PerkZ" Perkovic (7/1/4 KDA), on a rampage.

G2 took control of the game at the 20 minute mark with a four against one confrontation, taking one of the earliest barons in the European LCS (20:20). The team pressured inhibitors and managed to recover from a botched team fight at the 29 minute mark to claim victory.

The team's penchant for making costly mistakes during team fights seemed to be a recurring theme in game two as they were completely dismantled by Origen. Despite conceding first blood, Origen took four towers before the 20 minute mark, picking G2 apart with ambushes under the leadership of Alfonso "mithy" Aguirre Rodriguez's Thresh (0/3/12 KDA) and Amazing's Kindred (8/0/7).

The team proactively sought objectives and only met resistance inching towards a Nexus takedown (past the 28 minute mark). Despite G2's best efforts, its Nexus ended up being taken at the 36 minute mark.

In the third game, G2 exploited Origen's draft (with three team-fight centric picks: Kindred, Ezreal and Azir) and nullified PowerOfEvil's impact throughout the game. Picking Zed made PerkZ a devastating threat, as his successful dives under tower allowed G2 to claim objectives completely unopposed.

The team claimed the game in a 30 minute bloodbath (16 kills to 10 in favor of G2) and a near shutout in terms of objective takedowns (Origen took one tower and one dragon throughout the game).

In the final game of the series, Origen turned to Enrique "xPeke" Cedeño Martinez--a familiar strategic callback to the team's semifinal game against H2k. Picking Lissandra, the Spanish mid-laner secured leads in the early-game with a first blood kill on PerkZ (6:46) and a 3-for-0 tower dive up in the top-lane (10:00).

With Janna and Kindred in tow, G2 remained in contention with objective takedowns, timely disengages, and a Baron Nashor steal at the 30 minute mark--paving the way for PerkZ to recover from his early deficit. He would reward his teammates with a kill on xPeke during an integral team fight that would ultimately secure them the win.

When asked about the Zed pick, Joey "YoungBuck" Steltenpool admitted that he did not like it against Lissandra.

Following G2's victory, he added: "The team was constantly reassuring each other that the longer the game goes on the more chance they have to win."