
MLB reviewing Zambrano incident

Major League Baseball is reviewing Wednesday's incident in which Chicago Cubs pitcher Carlos Zambrano bumped into umpire Mark Carlson.

MLB spokesman Pat Courtney told ESPNChicago.com's Bruce Levine that the incident is under review, but is not certain when a ruling will be handed down.

Zambrano likely is facing a suspension for the altercation, which took place after the Pittsburgh Pirates' Nyjer Morgan scored on a wild pitch in the seventh inning at Wrigley Field. It was a close play with Zambrano covering the plate.

While arguing the call, Zambrano and Carlson bumped into each other. Replays showed it may have been Carlson who initiated the contact.

After being ejected, Zambrano pointed his finger in Carlson's face and simulated an ejection sign. Zambrano then fired a baseball into the outfield before picking up a bat and smashing the Gatorade dispenser in the Cubs' dugout.

"I'm a competitor," Zambrano said after the game. "Hopefully, MLB will review the play, and we'll see what happens.

"I apologize for that. Like I said, I should have more control of myself in that situation. I just wanted to get out of that inning and win the ballgame. I didn't say a bad word. I should have gone to the clubhouse and keep watching the game. I apologize for throwing the ball and the other things."

It was Zambrano's second start after coming off the disabled list with a strained hamstring.