
Favre owns Week 9 mailbag questions!

Back in August I was the guy arguing for Brett Favre as a top-15 quarterback, so I can't say I'm all that surprised he's doing well. I drafted the Minnesota Vikings quarterback on multiple teams, mainly as a backup due to his draft day value, but now I'm using him over the starters on occasion. The point is, I have nothing against Favre. I wrote about him Monday, dared say something somewhat negative and well … let's just say the readers noticed!

But most readers missed the point. Let's start with this e-mail with a Minnesota address.

Chris Gross (Delano, Minn.): "I recently read your article about Brett Favre being inconsistent this year. I have to say that your analysis is both immature and lacking any real substance. Brett's performance against the Browns was obviously due to shaking the rust off. Give the guy a break, he'd been in town for a few weeks, and was learning his offensive unit. Both the Lions and the Rams were early-season road games. I don't care how bad a team is, playing on the road in the NFL is not easy, even for an aging quarterback. You also forget that the Vikings won those games. Inconsistent? In the NFL, if you want to win, you need to be good on your off days. So far, Brett has been consistent."