
Soccer-Villa's lionheart Laursen retires

LONDON, May 15 - Aston Villa's Danish defender and
club captain Martin Laursen announced his retirement on Friday
because of a long-standing injury to his right knee.

Laursen, 31, joined the Premier League club from AC Milan in
2004 but injuries disrupted his first few seasons in England.

Although he played in every Premier League game for the club
last season he has been sidelined since January and has decided
to hang up his boots.

"He made the decision after facing another lengthy spell on
the sidelines," Villa's website (www.avfc.premiumtc.co.uk) said.

"He decided to hang up his boots rather than undergo another
major operation -- this time on his right knee.

"The retirement of the lionheart defender will be a huge
loss to the players, the manager and the fans."

Laursen, who began his career with Danish club Silkeborg,
made 53 appearances for Denmark.

(Reporting by Martyn Herman; Editing by John Mehaffey; To
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