15Francois Steyn, FB
14JP Pietersen, W
13Jaque Fourie, C
12Jean de Villiers, C
11Bryan Habana, W
10Morne Steyn, FH
9Fourie du Preez, SH
1Tendai Mtawarira, P
2Bismarck du Plessis, H
3John Smit, P
4Bakkies Botha, L
5Victor Matfield, L
6Heinrich Brussow, FL
7Juan Smith, FL
8Pierre Spies, N8
16Chiliboy Ralepelle, H
17Jannie du Plessis, P
18Andries Bekker, L
19Danie Rossouw, FL
20Ricky Januarie, SH
21Adrian Jacobs, C
22Wynand Olivier, C

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

Venue: Hollywoodbets Kings Park
11:00 AM, August 1, 2009
Attendance: 43,149

Match Commentary

81'In reality, the Boks didn't do really anything in the match but played the conditions and pressuriesd and tackled the All Blacks. New Zealand simply made mistakes under pressure. In openside flanker Heinrich Brussow the Boks have a real find. I hope you enjoyed the match and see you next time with
81'31-19 End of half
81'31-19 End of half
81'31-19 End of second half
81'Substitute on - Chiliboy Ralepelle , South Africa
81'Player substituted - Bismarck du Plessis , South Africa
80'Steyn going for the posts - longish and he misses! Ref ends the game to indicate another victory for the World Champions.
79'Ball picked up at the base and right but a penalty to the Boks for holding on. They now get another 10 metres for back chat.
79'Substitute on - Wynand Olivier , South Africa
79'Player substituted - Jaque Fourie , South Africa
79'Player substituted - Fourie du Preez , South Africa
79'Substitute on - Ricky Januarie , South Africa
79'Substitute on - Andries Bekker , South Africa
79'Player substituted - Bakkies Botha , South Africa
79'Substitute on - Jannie du Plessis , South Africa
79'Player substituted - John Smit , South Africa
78'Boks making a number of changes. Blacks go right at the scrum and try to keep the ball alive. Boks up quickly. Knock on - scrum to the All Blacks.
77'Hore back on due to an injury. Pressure on Springbok scrum. Ball out left - forward pass. Blacks scrum near the middle of the pitch.
77'Substitute on - Andrew Hore , New Zealand
77'Player substituted - Keven Mealamu , New Zealand
76'Spies attacks again from base. High kick - Blacks gather and counter - ball left - but again the All Blacks under pressure mess up. 28 handling errors so far.
75'Ball on half way. Blacks with it and ball right - but ball knock on again - Boks scrum.
74'Blacks attack down the centre at restart. Blacks get the ball and move it left - now wide right. Back infleid and the Boks nick it and high kick.
74'31-19 Penalty goal - Morne Steyn , South Africa
73'Steyn going for the posts and has scored all the points so far. And he does it again.
72'Boks drive it on in the scrum and get a penalty as the All Blacks swing the scrum.
71'Blacks go left - recycle - Ball loose again - hacked on by the Boks. Ball on the Blacks tryline. Scrum to the home side - 5 metres.
71'Player substituted - Jean de Villiers , South Africa
71'Substitute on - Adrian Jacobs , South Africa
70'Scrum in midway in All Blacks half. Freekick to AB in the scrum.
69'Blacks knock on at their throw. Boks scrum on half way. High kick - Isaac Ross gathers but scrum to Boks for another knock on.
68'Boks get the ball at the back of the Blacks lineout. Ball wide left - but in to touch.
67'Penalty to All Blacks. McAlister to touch.
66'Boks scrum 5 metrse out - Spies goes right - recycle - two metres out.
66'Player substituted - Owen Franks , New Zealand
66'Substitute on - John Afoa , New Zealand
65'McAlister go left at the restart and Mtawarira (the Beast) gets the ball and charges up the field. Blacks nick it and moved right - ball loose - Boks hack on and Blacks forced to pass ball in to touch behind the posts.
65'Player substituted - Juan Smith , South Africa
65'Substitute on - Danie Rossouw , South Africa
64'Steyn going for the posts and the fly-half scores again. He is such a good kicker.
64'28-19 Penalty goal - Morne Steyn , South Africa
63'Botha back on the pitch. Good scrum by Boks. Spies again off the base. High kick and again the Boks are up quickly and get the ball back on the Blacks 22. Penalty to the home side.
62'High restart - McCaw gathers and drives it on - little box kick - and Blacks regather and move the ball wide left - but another knock on near the half way line just inside the Boks half.
62'Substitute on - Luke McAlister , New Zealand
62'Player substituted - Stephen Donald , New Zealand
61'Donald is off - McAlister on and going immediately for the kick to the posts. He does really well and scores.
61'25-19 Penalty goal - Luke McAlister , New Zealand
60'Ref talks to both captains about the penalties. They are talking to their teams.
60'Substitute on - Kieran Read , New Zealand
60'Player substituted - Jerome Kaino , New Zealand
59'Scrum on Boks 22. Spiers picks up and goes sideways. Kick and the Boks are up quickly with Habana doing really well and force the Blacks back. Blacks get a penalty inside their own half.
58'Ball to touch down the Boks right - inside the Blacks half. ABs steal the throw - flicked away - little chip by Donald - Blacks regather and attack right but again another knock on deep inside the Boks half.
57'Donald goes down the centre at the restart. Boks gather and kick long down field. Blacks counter attack - recycle - ball left. Quick recycle but the Blacks give away a penalty for holding on.
56'Spiers picks up at the base and makes good yards - penalty to the Boks in front of the posts. Steyn scores.
56'25-16 Penalty goal - Morne Steyn , South Africa
55'Ball out but another knock on by the Blacks in roughly the same place as before.
54'The Blacks sprint scrum around left - but the ref ignores that and gives another scrum to the Boks.
53'Blacks knock on. Scrum just outside the All Blacks 22. - the Boks right.
52'Donald kicks long at drop out - Boks attack up to Blacks 22.
51'Blacks get the restart in their 22. Box kick. Spies makes a charge - recycle - drop goal effort - again a miss by Steyn.
51'22-16 Penalty goal - Stephen Donald , New Zealand
50'Donald gets the penalty.
50'Yellow card - Bakkies Botha , South Africa
49'Lock Bakkies Botha sent to the sin bin.
48'Boks win their throw and recycle. Box kick. Sivivatu breaks out - fantastic run - ball right and inside the Boks 22 - knock on - but its a penalty to the visitors. Brilliant play by the Blacks winger - he had the chance to call a mark - but ran it.
47'Drop goal effort - off the posts - ball clear to touch.
46'Ball to back of lineout - 5 metres out. Recycle - slow ball - forwards take it on. Again slow. Maul created. Blacks strong. Recycle. Ball out left the Boks backs unsure of what to do - but they keep the ball on the Blacks 22.
45'Freekick to the Blacks. Tap and go - Boks up quickly. Blacks go left - still inside their 22 - Smith drops the ball - backwards - recycle - Box kick but nowhere - Lineout to Boks 7 metres from the Blacks tryline.
44'Hore off at hooker. Why replace someone three minutes in to the game? And Cowans is off!!! Scrum collapses.
44'Substitute on - Keven Mealamu , New Zealand
44'Player substituted - Andrew Hore , New Zealand
44'Player substituted - Jimmy Cowan , New Zealand
44'Substitute on - Piri Weepu , New Zealand
43'Not straight at the throw. Good position for the Boks. John Smit must put pressure on at the scrum. Ball left at scrum - Steyn nearly through - recycle - ball left - two metres out - knock on by Juan Smith. AB scrum.
42'Boks win their throw and move ball wide left. Blacks gather - recycle - pass left but ball intercepted. Boks attack right but the home side are just in touch close to the Blacks tryline. All Black throw.
41'Blacks gather and move the ball wide left but a shocking pass by Sivivatu and the ball goes in to touch.
41'22-13 Penalty goal - Morne Steyn , South Africa
41'+122-13 End of first half
40'Stephen Donald gets the second half started with the Blacks going right to left. He kicks right. Boks gather and clear long.
40'Inside the Boks 22 - recycle - ball right and attack down the centre - Boks get it - long kick - big chase and the Blacks are offiside. Easy kick for the Boks. Steyn ends the half by adding three more points.
40'22-13 Start of second half
39'Freekick to the Blacks at the lineout. Tap and go - ball left.
38'Blacks get the restart but are forced in to touch.
38'19-13 Conversion - Morne Steyn , South Africa
38'17-13 Try - Morne Steyn , South Africa
37'Steyn looks to convert his try and he does.
36'TRY But the Boks get the scrum and ball out to fly half Steyn and he cuts back to score.
35'Ball to back but the Boks get it - just metres out. - scrum to the visitors 10 metres in from the Boks left hand touch and 5 metres out.
34'Boks steal the Blacks lineout. Box kick - Boks swarm and get the ball - ball right - chip and the Blacks kick long. Francois Steyn kicks really well to corner. Blacks lineout 5 metres from their tryline.
33'Its raining quite badly. Scrum 10 metres from Boks tryline. Boks easy scrum and the ball is cleared very well by Steyn to near the half way line.
32'Its raining and the Blacks get the restart and move left - good attack - Boks defending desperately. Knock on.
32'12-13 Penalty goal - Morne Steyn , South Africa
31'Steyn scores and their is one point difference with the Blacks just in the lead.
31'Yellow card - Isaac Ross , New Zealand
30'Blacks chip and Boks counter down centre - penalty to the home side. Lock Isaac Ross sent to the sinbin.
30'Yellow card - JP Pietersen , South Africa
29'Steyn goes high and right at the restart and the Blacks attack with a little kick down the centre. Boks gather - chip kick in to corner - Blacks try to run it out - they do - just - ball wide left.
29'9-13 Penalty goal - Stephen Donald , New Zealand
28'Donald gets the penalty.
27'Ball picked up at the base - ball wide right - another good attack - cut infield - inside the Boks 22 - penalty high tackle. Pietersen sent to the sinbin.
26'Drop out - Black attacking right - knock on by the Boks - Scrum to the Blacks on their 22.
25'Accidental offside at the lineout by the South Africans. Boks win the Blacks scrum and attack right - Styen drop goal effort - misses.
24'Ball to touch down the Boks right - midway in the Blacks half.
23'Boks go right at scrum - recycle but knock on and the Blacks counterattack down the centre through centre Smith. The Boks manage to stem the attack and get a penalty.
22'Isaac Ross offside - Boks opt for the scrum inside the Blacks half.
21'Blacks with the ball attacking down the centre. Boks intercept but quickly wrapped up - kick down field.
20'Good move by the Blacks after scrum - ball right - 5 metres out from tryline - but the Boks managed to get them in to touch.
19'Brad Thorn gets the throw and the Blacks attack down the centre - but Rokocoko knocks on. Freekick to Blacks at the scrum - crooked feed.
18'Boks gather the restart - kick in the air - the Blacks get it and Donald cross kicks - Boks gather and clear to touch near half way.
18'9-10 Penalty goal - Morne Steyn , South Africa
17'Steyn gets a third penalty.
16'Boks lose ground after the scrum but they gain a penalty in a very kickable position.
15'Donald get the game underway again down the centre. Boks clear high up to half way. Boks hack on - Joe Rokocoko gathers under tremendous pressure and tries to run it out from behind his posts and for some reason doesn't touch it down and then gives away a 5 metre scrum.
15'6-10 Penalty goal - Morne Steyn , South Africa
14'35 metres out. Steyn, the fly-half scores.
13'The Boks get it back and attack down the centre - penalty to the home side again in front of the posts.
13'3-10 Conversion - Stephen Donald , New Zealand
12'McCaw gathers the restart.
12'3-8 Try - Isaac Ross , New Zealand
11'Donald converts.
10'TRY Quick throw by the Black and the ball moved quickly and well wide left with Issac Ross the lock scoreing in the corner with a really good try.
9'Scrum on the Blacks 10 metres - ball right - switch kick and the Boks put the ball back long - another kick back - the Boks counter with ball in hand - cross kick - but in to touch.
8'Again the scrum under pressure but the Blacks keep the ball but a bad pass and they knock on. Boks get a penalty - tap and go- but a forward pass.
7'Steyn kicks the restart straight in to touch - scrum back on the half way line. The first scrum was very difficult for the Blacks with Owen Franks at just 21 on the tight head.
7'3-3 Penalty goal - Stephen Donald , New Zealand
6'Stephen Donald, the fly-half scores for the visitors.
5'Morne Steyn opens the scoring with a simple kick. The Blacks have not been outside their half yet. But they get a quick penalty in front of the posts after the restart with the home side sealing off the restart.
5'3-0 Penalty goal - Morne Steyn , South Africa
4'Big scrum by the home side but the Blacks manage to keep the ball - little box kick SA gather. Another high kick another good kick just outside the All Blacks 22 Pietersen tackles and the Boks get a penalty.
3'Knock on by Boks hooker. Scrum still deep inside the Blacks half - their left.
2'Blacks lucky and get a 22 drop out. Boks get the drop out and attack down the right.
1'McCaw gathers the start. High kick. High kick back and the Boks charge in and get the ball just outside the Blacks 22. Ball kicked to touch NZ throw 5 metres out from Blacks tryline. Cowans under pressure - box kick charged down.
1'I'm Shaun Rusk and I will be your online commentator today. The anthems are played. Early rant - why oh why do we need a 'lead' singer - leave it to the fans and team - end rant. The ABs do the haka. The South Africans take their time to get ready. Nigel Owens of Wales is the ref - Boks to kick off right to left.
1'0-0 Start of first half

Rugby Championship 2009 News