15Scott Spedding, -
14David Strettle, -
13Aurelien Rougerie, -
12Remi Lamerat, -
11Nick Abendanon, -
10Camille Lopez, -
9Morgan Parra, -
1Raphael Chaume, -
2Benjamin Kayser, -
3Davit Zirakashvili, -
4Arthur Iturria, -
5Sebastien Vahaamahina, -
6Damien Chouly, -
7Peceli Yato, -
8Fritz Lee, -
16John Ulugia, -
17Etienne Falgoux, -
18Aaron Jarvis, -
19Paul Jedrasiak, -
20Alexandre Lapandry, -
21Ludovic Radosavljevic, -
22Patricio Fernandez, -
23Damian Penaud, -

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

Venue: Scottish Gas Murrayfield
12:00 PM, May 13, 2017

Match Commentary

81'17-28 End of second half
80'And that is that. Saracens are back to back Champions in the Champions Cup.
79'Player substituted - Chris Wyles , Saracens
79'Substitute on - Alex Lozowski , Saracens
79'Substitute on - Jim Hamilton , Saracens
79'Player substituted - Maro Itoje , Saracens
79'Player substituted - Richard Wigglesworth , Saracens
79'Substitute on - Ben Spencer , Saracens
79'Substitute on - Petrus Du Plessis , Saracens
79'Player substituted - Vincent Koch , Saracens
79'17-28 Penalty goal - Owen Farrell , Saracens
77'Saracens win the penalty. Game over for Clermont.
77'Substitute on - Aaron Jarvis , Clermont Auvergne
77'Player substituted - Davit Zirakashvili , Clermont Auvergne
77'Substitute on - Titi Lamositele , Saracens
77'Player substituted - Mako Vunipola , Saracens
75'Lopez misses it.
75'From the restart, Clermont win the penalty and Lopez to have a kick at goal.
75'Player substituted - Morgan Parra , Clermont Auvergne
75'Substitute on - Ludovic Radosavljevic , Clermont Auvergne
74'17-25 Conversion - Owen Farrell , Saracens
73'17-23 Try - Alex Goode , Saracens
72'TRY Alex Goode charges over from close range after a delayed pass from Owen Farrell. He goes in to score.
71'Vunipola takes the ball but the ball goes backwards in the tackle. Koch takes it on. Brits next up. Burger through Fritz Lee.
71'Player substituted - Scott Spedding , Clermont Auvergne
71'Substitute on - Patricio Fernandez , Clermont Auvergne
70'Nigel Owens warns both scrums to drive straight.
70'Another scrum as the scrum goes down.
70'Scrum Sarries, seven metres from the Clermont line. Wigglesworth to feed.
70'Spedding kicks downfield and Brits runs it back over halfway. Koch to the CLermont 10 metre line. Wyles kicks through and Scott Spedding gets back, takes the ball but loses possession and knocks the ball on. Clermont tiring?
68'Parra retrieves a poor pass. Lopez kicks downfield. Alex Goode takes and launches one downfield.
67'Clermont win the penalty as Nigel Owens says Itoje took the Chouly in the air. Lopez kicks downfield to halfway.
67'Billy Vunipola takes the ball off the back of the scrum and as it looks as though he is going to go through Nick Abendanon, Morgan Parra comes across to put him into touch.
67'Player substituted - Benjamin Kayser , Clermont Auvergne
67'Substitute on - John Ulugia , Clermont Auvergne
66'Another huge scrum here. Wigglesworth with the put in. 10 metres from the Clermont line.
66'Rhodes takes in the lineout. Huge break from Sarries. Goes through the hands and Camille Lopez knocks the ball on. Nigel Owens says there was no deliberate knock on. Knock on only.
66'Player substituted - Peceli Yato , Clermont Auvergne
66'Substitute on - Fritz Lee , Clermont Auvergne
65'Huge scrum for Clermont. Scott Spedding clears to touch, midway inside the Clermont half. Sarries lineout.
64'Sarries win the lineout. Farrell gives it to Bosch. Koch takes it on, and a knock on is called but it didn't look as if there was one.
64'Substitute on - Peceli Yato , Clermont Auvergne
64'Player substituted - Fritz Lee , Clermont Auvergne
62'Owen Farrell gives up and under. Spedding takes but the Clermont receiving player gets put into touch.
62'Clermont turn the ball over but Parra kicks downfield.
61'Lineout Saracens, on the Clermont 10 metre line. Rhodes takes Saracens midway into the Clermont half.
61'Substitute on - Schalk Burger , Saracens
61'Player substituted - Jackson Wray , Saracens
61'Substitute on - Alexandre Lapandry , Clermont Auvergne
61'Player substituted - Peceli Yato , Clermont Auvergne
60'17-18 Penalty goal - Morgan Parra , Clermont Auvergne
59'Parra to feed the scrum. Penalty to Clermont. Parra lines up a kick at goal.
58'Chouly takes the restart and Clermont have the ball on the Sarries 22. Penaud was the won who knocked it down to Chouly. Knock on but Nigel Owens says he called advantage over as the knock on was happening and Clermont have the put in to the scrum.
58'14-18 Penalty goal - Owen Farrell , Saracens
56'Twice Clermont are penalised twice in a matter of minutes for hands in the ruck but no yellow card. Owen Farrell eyes up the posts.
56'Sarries are 10 metres from the Clermont line. Mako Vunipola takes it on. Brits hit by Lamerat. Alex Goode makes a break and Nigel Owens warns about a yellow card.
55'Billy Vunipola takes the ball off the back of the scrum. Brits takes it on.
54'Rougerie has run his race. Wigglesworth has the put in to the scrum for Sarries.
54'Substitute on - Duncan Taylor , Saracens
54'Player substituted - Brad Barritt , Saracens
54'Player substituted - Raphael Chaume , Clermont Auvergne
54'Substitute on - Etienne Falgoux , Clermont Auvergne
54'Substitute on - Damian Penaud , Clermont Auvergne
54'Player substituted - Aurelien Rougerie , Clermont Auvergne
54'14-15 Conversion - Morgan Parra , Clermont Auvergne
52'TRY Clermont strike back instantly. Spedding runs it back from inside his 22. Lopez finds Fritz Lee, Yato fends off Owen Farrell and Abendanon goes over to score.
52'12-15 Try - Nick Abendanon , Clermont Auvergne
51'Substitute on - Schalk Brits , Saracens
51'Player substituted - Jamie George , Saracens
51'7-15 Penalty goal - Owen Farrell , Saracens
49'Mako Vunipola driven back. Wigglesworth drives on, another advantage for not rolling away. Raphael Chaume penalised.
48'Five metres from the Clermont line, they go right and Rougerie makes a tackle to put a stop to the Sarries attack.
48'Sarries spread the ball wide through Farrell, Barritt and Wyles who is put down. They go left through Bosch. An advantage being played. Itoje goes on. Wigglesworth pops it up for Wyles.
46'Chouly takes a quick lineout, outside of the 22, Lopez clears to touch and we come back for a lineout to Sarries on the 22.
46'Wigglesworth puts the ball into the scrum and Clermont get the shove on but Sarries gather and there is some kicking backwards and forwards.
46'Player substituted - Sebastien Vahaamahina , Clermont Auvergne
46'Substitute on - Paul Jedrasiak , Clermont Auvergne
44'Rougerie again knocks the ball on and Vahaamahina is limping badly.
44'Clermont attack comes to an end as Yato puts a delightful offload and Rougerie breaks but he kicks ahead. Saracens possession but Clermont turn the ball over. A sixth turnover of the game.
43'Mako Vunipola marches on but SĂ©bastien Vahaamahina rips the ball away from Wigglesworth. Lopez kicks across field and finds Strettle and passes the ball back to Spedding. Clermont from deep defence to attack. Lopez tries for a drop goal but it goes wide.
43'Drop goal-missed
41'Mako Vunipola puts in a huge tackle on Scott Spedding. Parra clears to touch. Saracens have the lineout midway inside the Clermont half.
41'Back under way at Edinburgh and Kruis charges down a clearance from Parra. Sarries back in attack mode again.
41'7-12 End of first half
40'A mistake sees Jackson Wray sprint downfield but a knock on brings an end to the half.
40'7-12 Start of second half
39'Parra looks to snipe around the breakdown. Yato takes it on but Itoke puts the Davit Zirakashvili back about 10 metres.
38'Clermont win the lineout and the maul gets going. Stopped and Yato looks to take it on but he's double tackled.
37'Saracens lose 10 metres after Owens blew his whistle and Rhodes shoves the Clermont player.
37'Farrell kicks the penalty into the Clermont 22. Barritt takes the ball from Billy Vunipola. Wray takes the ball on but another turnover from Clermont.
36'Lopez shows the ball and then attacks but Saracens win the penalty. Lopez holding his head.
36'Saracens clear but Spedding takes and spins out of a tackle from the onrushing Wyles.
35'Lopez gives a cross-field kick but Rougerie knocks the ball on. Scrum Saracens.
33'Fritz Lee given a hospital pass but he gathers. Lopez kicks down to Goode. GOode kicks to Lopez and he kicks to touch. Quick on Barritt to Farrell and he kicks down. Parra and Farrell trade kicks.
32'Saracens win the free kick and Farrell bombs it and Spedding catches.
31'Rougerie jinx his way past the Saracens 10 metre line. Lopez looks to take it on but stopped. Farrell strips the ball from Lamerat in the tackle. Scrum Saracens.
30'Lopez kicks to touch on halfway, Clermont win the lineout and a kick through sees Ashton call for the mark and kick long. Spedding runs it back on halfway.
29'Saracens back inside the Clermont half, Farrell releases Jamie George and Clermont win the turnover. They win the penalty.
28'7-12 Conversion - Morgan Parra , Clermont Auvergne
27'5-12 Try - Remi Lamerat , Clermont Auvergne
26'TRY Remi Lamerat gets in after Rougerie is denied. Yato to Parra off the back of the scrum to Rougerie and Lamerat takes it from Rougerie, goes low to score.
26'Substitute on - Raphael Chaume , Clermont Auvergne
26'Player substituted - Etienne Falgoux , Clermont Auvergne
25'Clermont win the lineout and they march towards the line. They are held up. Scrum five metres for Clermont.
24'It is pick and go for Clermont and Itoje is penalised. Penalty Clermont and Lopez kicks to the corner.
24'Penalty to Clermont and Lopez kicks into the corner. Lineout Clermont seven metres from the Sarries line.
23'Player substituted - Raphael Chaume , Clermont Auvergne
23'Substitute on - Etienne Falgoux , Clermont Auvergne
23'0-12 Conversion - Owen Farrell , Saracens
22'0-10 Try - George Kruis , Saracens
21'TRY Vunipola gives it to Barrirr. Alex Goode takes it on and then a popped pass to Kruis and he crashes over. All Saracens.
21'Barritt crashes through the Clermont defence and up to the 22. Farrell out the back and Wyles brings them up to within 15 metres of the Clermont line.
20'Sarries win the lineout and the maul is stopped. Wigglesworth goes down the blindside but it rebounds off a Clermont foot and out of touch. Lineout Sarries.
19'Nigel Owens gives another penalty for Saracens as David Strettle is penalised. Owen Farrell kicks into the Clermont 22.
18'Missed penalty as Owen Farrell kicks from halfway and his penalty drops just short.
16'Saracens win the penalty at the scrum with Clermont penalised for not driving straight.
16'CLermont knock the ball on again, after they win the lineout. Yato again who knocks the ball on. Little errors costing them.
15'Farrell's conversion hit the upright and Sarries rip the ball off the Clermont grasp after the restart and we have some kicking back and forth and Wyles kicks to touch.
13'TRY Penalty advantage, Barritt delightful delayed pass for Farrell gives it to Alex Goode and he kicks in behind Abdendanon and Chris Ashton races in to score.
13'0-5 Try - Chris Ashton , Saracens
11'Clermont win the lineout and Parra clears to touch outside his 22.
11'Farrell finds Alex Goode out wide but his pass his behind Chris Wyles -- in for Sean Maitland -- and into touch. Clermont lineout 10 metres from their own line.
10'Sarries scrum is solid and Billy Vunipola takes and goes from the back. Bosch breaks into the 22. Mako Vunipola makes 10 yards. RHodes takes it on.
9'Scrum goes down. We will go for a reset.
8'Parra's box kick is gathered by Billy Vunipola. Farrell kicks long but a knock on is called as the ball is caught in the wind and Parra knocks on.
7'Itoje takes in the lineout. Wigglesworth puts boot to ball and Spedding again comes onto it.
6'Clermont attack down the right but Lee kicks the ball out of play as they go to ground.
6'Billy Vunipola off the back of the scrum. Farrell forced to check with Lopez up quickly. Wigglesworth puts it in the air and Spedding takes cleanly. Clermont counter.
5'Spedding clears to touch and they win the lineout and spin the ball wide. Abendanon gives it to Spedding and then the pace of Yato who stretches the defences but a knock on gives Sarries the scrum.
4'Rougerie looked like he won the turnover there. Immense defending from Clermont.
3'Sarries switch play and Bosch and Kruis bring them up to within six metres but Clermont win the turnover.
3'Sarries win the lineout, Vunipola feeds Barritt. Kruis takes Sarries up to within 10 metres of the Clermont line.
2'Saracens kick their way into the Clermont 22.
2'First penalty goes against Clermont and Fritz Lee for a high tackle on Brad Barritt. Barritt wipes the blood away.
1'Rougerie was found out there as Bosch made the break. Abendanon made an incredible covering tackle to take down Ashton.
1'Clermont stem the momentum and Fritz Lee forces the turnover. The clearance kick from Rougerie is towards halfway.
1'Incredible start by Sarries as Bosch marches into the Clermont half and gives it to Ashton. He inches to within 10 metres of the line.
1'WE are under way in Edinburgh through Camille Lopez. Wigglesworth box kicks and the wind takes it away from Spedding. Lineout Sarries.
1'The teams for today's game.
1'Welcome to live coverage of Saracens vs. Clermont in the Champions Cup final
1'0-0 Start of first half

European Rugby Champions Cup 2017 News