15Andrea Marcato, FB
14Guilio Rubini, W
13Gonzalo Canale, C
12Mirco Bergamasco, C
11Matteo Pratichetti, W
10Luke McLean, FH
9Paul Griffen, SH
1Salvatore Perugini, P
2Leonardo Ghiraldini, H
3Carlos Nieto, P
4Santiago Dellape, L
5Marco Bortolami, L
6Alessandro Zanni, FL
7Mauro Bergamasco, FL
8Sergio Parisse, N8
16Franco Sbaraglini, -
17Martin Castrogiovanni, P
18Carlo Antonio del Fava, L
19Josh Sole, L
20Pablo Canavosio, SH
21Luciano Orquera, FB
22Roberto Quartaroli, C

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

Venue: Stadio Flaminio
11:00 AM, March 14, 2009
Attendance: 31,750

Match Commentary

83'15-20 End of half
82'15-20 End of half
81'+115-20 End of second half
80'Keeping it within the forwards to waste the time. Penalty to Wales on the half way line. Jones going for the posts. Wind in his favour. Short - last chance for Italy - deep in their 22 - knock on and the game ends with a Welsh victory - but only just.
79'Little box kick but the Italian winger is forced in to touch on the half way line. Wales win their throw at the front.
78'Italy with the ball in their half - Wales defending well.
77'Sliced kick to touch - Italian thrrow - but they lose the lineout and Wales kick long.
76'Hook off - Stephen Jones on - Throw not straight - Italian scrum. Ball left - back right - kick - Mark called.
76'Player substituted - Andrea Marcato , Italy
76'Substitute on - Luciano Orquera , Italy
76'Player substituted - James Hook , Wales
76'Substitute on - Stephen Jones , Wales
75'Ball to touch on the Welsh 10 metres - Italian captain Parisse named Man of the Match.
74'Wales kick long at the restart - Italy kick back - Wales counter attack.
73'Hook converts and makes Italy have to score a try to draw level.
73'15-20 Conversion - James Hook , Wales
72'TRY Wales get the restart and attack. ball left and Shanklin gets the ball dummy pass left and he is through to score - much to the relief fo the Welsh fans.
72'15-18 Try - Tom Shanklin , Wales
71'Marcato has a very high kicking tee. And the ball just gets inside the posts for Italy to retake the lead.
70'Italy attack down the centre and get another penalty. very straight - but long - I am sure the full back Marcato will go for it.
70'15-13 Penalty goal - Andrea Marcato , Italy
69'Byrne off - Henson to fullback - Shanklin on at centre.
69'Player substituted - Lee Byrne , Wales
69'Substitute on - Tom Shanklin , Wales
68'Penalty to Italy at the scrum. Ball to touch down the Italian left midway in the Welsh half.
67'Italy win their throw - ball dead - scrum to the home side. Are Italy fading?
67'Player substituted - Paul Griffen , Italy
67'Substitute on - Pablo Canavosio , Italy
67'Player substituted - Luke Charteris , Wales
67'Substitute on - Bradley Davies , Wales
66'Italy kick high down the centre - Byrne kicks back and in to touch midway in the Italian half.
65'Kicking duel - Powell messes up - but ball backwards and is then forced in to touch inside the Welsh 22 - poor play by the number 8 whi has had a great tournament so far.
65'Substitute on - Josh Sole , Italy
65'Player substituted - Marco Bortolami , Italy
65'12-13 Penalty goal - James Hook , Wales
64'Do they go for the kick to take the lead or try for the 5-point score? Hook going for the posts. Full back Byrne injured. Flyhalf Hook with his right foot just curls the ball in to take the lead.
63'Good Italian defence - Wales penalty.
62'Wales taking their time. They win their throw at the front and then move ball right.
61'A kicking duel takes place and Italian scrum half Griffien messes up and the ball goes in to touch inside the Italian 22.
60'Italy counter with ball in hand following the restart - up and under - ball loose - huge roar - but its a knock on at the kick. Welsh scrum midway in the Welsh half.
60'12-10 Penalty goal - James Hook , Wales
59'Hook does well and steadies Welsh nerves to score.
58'Welsh subs now on the pitch. Penalty to Wales and Hook going for the posts again a longish kick - but straight.
58'Substitute on - Gethin Jenkins , Wales
58'Player substituted - Rhys M. Thomas , Wales
58'Substitute on - Matthew Rees , Wales
58'Player substituted - Huw Bennett , Wales
58'Player substituted - Jonathan Thomas , Wales
58'Substitute on - Ryan Jones , Wales
57'Marcato going for the posts and kicks really well to score.
57'12-7 Penalty goal - Andrea Marcato , Italy
56'Game is getting looser - which should suit Wales but they give away another penalty to a huge roar from the crowd. Long kick and slightly to the right of the posts.
55'Still the Welsh fans are waiting for their team to explode in to action - but it is still Italy attacking mostly.
54'Marcato kicks back but ball straight in to touch - Welsh lineout near the half way line.
53'Ball chipped ahead and Wales are on their tryline. - but they get the ball and kick long.
52'Ball to touch down the Italian left - they win it and attack down the centre with determined running by the backs.
51'Wales win their throw and take it on down the centre through the forwards. But Italy get another penalty.
51'Substitute on - Carlo Antonio del Fava , Italy
51'Player substituted - Santiago Dellape , Italy
51'Substitute on - Martin Castrogiovanni , Italy
51'Player substituted - Carlos Nieto , Italy
50'The Italian gives aweay a penalty at the scrum - which he has been doing a lot this season.
49'The Welsh are desperately digging in at the scrum. HIgh kick and Wales again knock on just outside the Welsh 22. The Italians are bringing on subs including Martin Castrogiovanni - the Welsh props must be delighted to see him coming on!
48'Shane Williams gathers and launches a counter attack but his pass to Lee Byrne is just not right and it is knocked on near the Welsh 10 metres.
47'The home side wins its throw - box kick - ball on ground and various hacks - Italy regather and then cross kick.
46'Italy counter really well with driving running - back in the Welsh 22 - ball loose - and Wales kick the ball down field - ball in to touch. Italy throw.
45'Italy win their throw. A sort of rolling maul - Italy move the ball right - chip ahead - dangerous ball - but Wales gather and kick long.
44'Good kick by Byrne with the wind behind him in this half.
43'Ball left - Parisse back flip - misses everyone and ball in touch. Welsh scrum - and they get a freekick.
42'Italian scrum 15 metres from the Welsh try line - ball left by Italy and attack down the centre. - good attack.
41'Italian line out just outside the Welsh 22. Italy chip behind - Lineout to Wales 10 metres from their try line. They win it - but knock on.
41'+19-7 End of first half
40'Italian fly half Luke McLean - Italian grandmother - starts the second half - Ball high and rightish. Ball cleared - but a big mistake - Ball passed back in ot the 22 - but ball went straight in to touch.
40'Slow ball - the noise is HUGE. Still with forwards - Good defence - 7 metres out - drop goal effort but misses and its half time. Italy leading at half time. Warren Gatland the Welsh coach will not be happy.
40'9-7 Start of second half
39'Wales have been warned at the scrum - huge push - ball out - Italy 2 metres out - recycle.
38'Wales had taken the ball over the line - scrum 5 to Italy - great poistion to end the half for Italy.
37'Ball chiped cross field - bad bounce over the line Wales fail to touch down - ball loose - but winger Mark Jones just gets his hand on the ball.
36'Byrne counters but is held up - then kicked - and Italy through captain Parisse counters.
36'9-7 Penalty goal - Andrea Marcato , Italy
35'Italy gather restart and kick long - The home side has hardly made a mistake this half.
34'Marcato going for the posts and scores again.
33'The Italian scrum looks very solid. Ball goes right down the centre - right and back infield. ANOTHER penalty to Italy.
32'Wales gather and kick the restart - another penalty to Italy and they are taking a scrum - well thats a surprise!
32'6-7 Penalty goal - Andrea Marcato , Italy
31'Italy again destroy the Welsh scrum which weren't not helped by having the whole of the back row standing off. Penalty to Italy. Marcato scores for Italy to close the gap to one point.
30'Italy on the attack again - but Wales get it and kick long. Italy kick back and it is knocked on by Wales who are trying to move the ball too quickly and not do the basics.
29'Henson made the try by coming across the ruck and creating the overlap and then sliding the ball to Williams to score from 5 metres out.
28'Hook converts.
28'3-7 Conversion - James Hook , Wales
27'TRY Ball left - good ball by Henson and Shane Williams darts inside and scores.
27'3-5 Try - Shane Williams , Wales
26'Wales deep in the italian 22 - big attack by Wales - their first. Slow ball.
25'Again the Italians do well at the scrum forcing the Welsh back. Ball right - recycling - going blind - quickly left.
24'Scrum midway in the Italian half down their right. Wales are not playing with passion - perhaps the Welsh are thinking the Italians will fade in the second half - it doesn't look like that at the moment.
23'Italy are kicking alot with little grubbers and chips. They win their throw on the half way line. Kick - Wales kick back and Italy knock on.
22'Italy have done the basics well, but you can see them getting more confident.
21'Long drop out goes to touch. Wales win their throw and kick - Italy gather and drive it on.
20'Wales really aren't in this game yet.
19'But they get a penaly and it is very kickable. Fly half Hook lines the ball up - but misses - poor kick.
18'Wales get a penalty - Shane Williams tap and go - hook makes a nice break nearly through but he knock on trying to get the ball to Henson.
17'Italy attack down the right and again chip behind the Welsh defence - hack on - too far - drop out.
16'Italy kick high but too long and the Welsh full back calls a mark - tap and go and the Welsh are in trouble - but they gat a penalty.
15'Again it is the Italian crowd that is making the noise as their team again take it to the Welsh
14'Italy again get stuck in to Wales at the scrum and nick the ball - but Wales get it back and kick long - Marcato gathers and tries a drop ball but wide from far out.
13'Kickable - but hard - so they are going for the throw to a huge roar from the crowd. But ball knocked on at the lineout. Welsh scrum 7 metres from their try line.
12'Italy get another penalty and kick to touch. They win their throw and go left, again good detremination by Italy - chip ahead and Italy get another penalty.
11'Italy are very up for this match while Wales haven't really got in to the match so far.
10'James Hook kicks long and Italy put it back to touch.
9'Wales chip from the throw and Italy get the mark. Cleared long and Wales counter.
8'Italy put in a grubber and Welsh Lee Byrne puts in a great kick down the line but Italy mess up and the ball is in to touch.
7'Knock on by Wales at the lineout. Italy win their scrum and put it high.
6'Wales get the restart and attack down the left, but good defence and the home side gets another penalty for crossing. Ball to touch down the Italian right near half way.
6'3-0 Penalty goal - Andrea Marcato , Italy
5'Italy put the Welsh under real pressure in the scrum and get a penalty. Andrea Marcato the full back puts the ball through the posts to take the lead.
4'Parisse gave an inside ball to create that good Azzurri attack. Scrum on the Welsh 22 down the centre. Wales need to be on their metal as the Italians have started well.
3'Italy go blind after scrum and make huge ground - good attack.
2'Italy nick the Welsh throw and attack down the centre - kick - mark called. A kicking duel ensues. Shane Williams counters but is stopped well - knock on.
1'Wales win but Italy were the moral winners. The Welsh depth in strength is not as deep as they imagined - but a victory is a victory and the 6 Nation championship can still be theirs. I hope you enjoyed the game and see you next trime with
1'Italy dominated that half and should be further ahead. They are smashing the Welsh scrum and Wales seems strangely subdued. But it has to be said that when the Welsh backs do get the ball they do look dangerous - but will they get the ball in the second half? Well wait and see with
1'Ball down centre. Italy drive it on and clear to touch - fantastic clearance to just inside the Welsh half.
1'Both anthems sung with great passion, especially by the Italian crowd. Irishman Alan Lewis is the ref. Wales to kick off.
1'0-0 Start of first half

Six Nations 2009 News