15Maxime Medard, FB
14Julien Malzieu, W
13Mathieu Bastareaud, C
12Yannick Jauzion, C
11Cedric Heymans, W
10Benoit Baby, FH
9Morgan Parra, SH
1Fabien Barcella, P
2Dimitri Szarzewski, H
3Sylvain Marconnet, P
4Lionel Nallet, L
5Sebastien Chabal, L
6Thierry Dusautoir, FL
7Fulgence Ouedraogo, FL
8Imanol Harinordoquy, N8
16Benjamin Kayser, H
17Thomas Domingo, P
18Romain Millo-Chluski, L
19Louis Picamoles, -
20Sebastien Tillous-Borde, SH
21Francois Trinh-Duc, FH
22Clement Poitrenaud, -

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

Venue: Stade de France
3:00 PM, February 27, 2009
Attendance: 80,000

Match Commentary

81'21-16 End of half
81'21-16 End of half
81'21-16 End of second half
80'France gather and the ball is put in to touch to win the match and end Wales' hope of back-to-back Grand Slams. A really good exciting game which France deserved to win. They stepped up in the second half and put the Welsh under pressure and despite the Welsh nearly scoring at the end - the French managed to hold out. I hope you enjoyed the match with and see you next time.
79'Wales knock on at the back of the lineout.
78'Wales win their throw on the 22. France up quickly and hard. penalty to Wales on half way line. Kick to touch - down the Welsh right - just inside the French 22.
77'Henson goes for the line and cuts back - stopped - and France get the ball and clear to touch.
76'Wales to touch - they win it and go for the try line - stopped - ball wide right.
76'Substitute on - Sylvain Marconnet , France
76'Player substituted - Thomas Domingo , France
75'Great kick - and Wales have taken the Welsh to 10 metres from the French line. - Williams nearly through - one metre out - ball wide left - France regather - but penalty to Wales.
74'Counter - poor play at the moment - Welsh penalty on the half way line.
73'Wales gathers the restart and cleared long - France put it back - and again back to Wales - kicking again - Wales gather and counter - but France are all over the Welsh - they clear - Heymans counters - kick - Wales.
73'21-16 Penalty goal - James Hook , Wales
72'James Hook does really well to score.
72'Substitute on - Sebastien Tillous-Borde , France
72'Player substituted - Morgan Parra , France
71'Wales go wide right after the throw - Wales nearly through by Bryne - GREAT tackle by Dusautoir on Bryne - penalty to Wales - kick
71'Player substituted - Ian Gough , Wales
71'Substitute on - Luke Charteris , Wales
71'21-13 Penalty goal - Morgan Parra , France
70'Ball cleared to touch near half way line.
69'France with the ball after the restart.
68'France going for the posts - long kick - but straight - Parra going for it again. And the scrum-half does it.
68'Substitute on - Dafydd Jones , Wales
68'Player substituted - Andy Powell , Wales
68'Player substituted - Stephen Jones , Wales
68'Substitute on - James Hook , Wales
67'Wales go long at the drop out - James Hook is on at fly-half for Wales.- France counter down the left and again make good yards - ball recycled down the right - back infield - another penalty to France.
66'France attack after the restart - France burst down the centre - Wales struggling - recycle - ball left - back infield recycle - Wales have managed to regather their defence...slow recycle - ball right drop goal effort - ball misses - just
65'Good effort but again off the posts.
65'Substitute on - Benjamin Kayser , France
65'Player substituted - Dimitri Szarzewski , France
64'Difficult kick for Parra who is going for it. Big kick in the match.
63'Wales go wide right - good defence by France and they nick the ball at the break down and get a penalty.
62'France attack down the centre - good pressure by Wales - France kick long and kicked back France regather and kicked long Powell counters - still in the Welsh half.
61'Wales win their scrum - driven on and cleared to touch near the half way line.
60'French scrum near their right hand side - ball right - good attack by France that big ba...bloke in the French centre but he knocks on while trying to release Heymans.
59'France win throw at front - recycle - box kick - Shane Williams knocks on - French pressure.
58'Quick throw Wales under pressure - kick and France counter and cross kick to touch deep in the Welsh 22. Wales win throw and clear long to touch.
57'France drive it on in the forwards at the lineout - recycle - ball wide left - kick and Byrne gathers and kick back - Heymans puts the ball back to touch.
57'Substitute on - Romain Millo-Chluski , France
57'Substitute on - Thomas Domingo , France
57'Player substituted - Sylvain Marconnet , France
57'Player substituted - Sebastien Chabal , France
56'Chabal is off for France. Ball to touch down the French right near the half way.
55'Wales go right at the lineout - Henson down the centre - but the French push them back and get a penalty. The French are gaining control at the moment.
55'Player substituted - Matthew Rees , Wales
55'Substitute on - Huw Bennett , Wales
55'Substitute on - Dwayne Peel , Wales
55'Player substituted - Mike Phillips , Wales
55'Substitute on - Gavin Henson , Wales
55'Player substituted - Jamie Roberts , Wales
54'Gavin Henson and Dwayne Peel come on for Wales. - long restart France gather and ball to touch - but sliced - lineout on the French 22.
54'18-13 Try - Cedric Heymans , France
53'Parra going to convert - not easy for a part-time kicker - off the posts.
52'TRYThe winger darts and jinks infield and crosses to score and France lead
51'recycle - ball left - 4 man over lap - a Wales player getsin the way - Heymans gets the ball.
50'Ball left recycle attack down the centre.
49'Welsh scrum disrupted but still keep the ball - fullback Bryne kicks long - France put it back and Powell is going to have to rush France are all over him deep in his 22 - Scrum to France .
48'France throw and they attack down the centre - good defence by Wales and Martyn Williams nips in and Wales get the scrum put-in just outside their 22.
47'France kick to touch down their left - on the Welsh 22.
46'Jones goes long at drop out and France counter - recycle - and France get another penalty. Lock Gough hurt making a tackle.
45'Parra just misses.
44'French scrum - Wales off side - penalty to take the lead.
43'Ball long at the throw - recycle - big tackle - recycle - high kick - Halfpenny of Wales gathers - recycle - Wales mess up - France counter - ball left - recycle - Chabal still down after huge tackle - he is up - but thinks he is back at Sales Sharks - and did anyone get the number of that truck?
42'Ball to touch down the French right - on half way.
41'Wales go right at the scrum - recycle - but France nick it - ball charged down - Wales gather and drive it on - ball left - France stretched - ball left - 7 metres out - penalty to the home side.
41'13-13 End of first half
41'13-13 Conversion - Morgan Parra , France
40'France get the second half going - Wales gather and clear long - France counter - chip - Wales gather and kick down the centre - new fly-half Trinh-Duc knock on.
40'and the makeshift kicker Parra converts to end the first half - a tremendous half - with the scores tie at 13-all.
40'13-13 Start of second half
40'11-13 Try - Thierry Dusautoir , France
39'TRYFrance go right at the scrum - the number 8 bursts through - stopped just short - recycle - one metre out - and the ball is over the line and the blindsideer Thierry Dusautoir scores in a mass of bodies.
38'Ball down the left hand touch - France get another penalty - Up and under - knock on.
37'Wales go left at the scrum - 5 metres out - but give away a penalty.
37'Substitute on - Francois Trinh-Duc , France
37'Player substituted - Benoit Baby , France
36'The flyhalf is also injured and goes off replaced by Francois Trinh-Duc
35'Really good game - France get the restart - recycle - the forwards take the ball with pick and drive - back to Baby and he knocks on on his 22 - good position for Wales.
35'6-13 Penalty goal - Morgan Parra , France
34'and the scrum-half scores to narrow the lead to 7 points.
33'Parra lines the ball up - 5 minutes to half time
32'ball infield - and France get a penalty due to offside- kickable.
31'Ball down the line - French right. They win it at the back and attack down the centre - recycle - again Wales nick it at the breakdown - kicked long - France counter really well through the fullback Medard - deep in to the Welsh half - recycle -
30'France go right - recycle - but Wales nick the ball and its cleared long - France counter - chip - Wales gather and counter and go left - penalty to France on half way line.
29'Ball near an injured player so game stopped - should be scrum to France on the Welsh 10 metres line - down the centre of the pitch.
28'France win it and kick long - Wales send it back - kick back and Wales gather and counter - ball right - recycle near the half way line - Wales lose the ball.
27'back infield - recycle - ball right - good defence - recycle - knock on scrum to France on their 22.
26'Powell picks up at the base at makes huge yardage - recycle - inside the French 22 - ball left.
25'Restart goes out on the full - scrum to Wales on half way line.
25'3-13 Conversion - Stephen Jones , Wales
25'3-11 Try - Lee Byrne , Wales
24'Great try and Jones converts.
23'TRYFrom lineout Wales attack down the centre with Shanklin doing well - recycle -ball left and Lee Byrne takes a great angle to slice through the defence and scores down the left hand touch
22'Box kick by Parra - poor kick - straight in to touch - lineout to Wales near half way line - down their right.
21'France down their left - recycle - slow ball - on the half way line.
20'Box kick high and it hits the overhead camera and France gather and counter - chip cross field - Wales kick back - France counter.
19'Great attack by France down the left hand side - France two metres out - France over - Going to the video ref - he says handling in the ruck - very harsh on the French - strange it is a South African ref again - they like the Welsh.
18'Up and under - tackle by centre Shanklin while Harinordoquy is in the air - should have been in the bin - but amazingly gets away with it.
17'Freekick to Wales - tap and go - ball right - huge tackle by the young centre Bastareaud - but France are offside.
16'Scrum to Wales on their 10 metres line - down their left.
15'France knock on - to the frustration of the crowd. France are playing well.
14'Ball wide from the throw - Shane Williams dances - recycle - But France get it - box kick - Williams kicks back - France gathers and counter up inside the Welsh half.
13'Ball right down the centre - penalty to Wales - to great relief by the visitors. Ball to touch on the half way line.
12'France win their scrum just inside the Welsh half - High up and under - great kicks France regather - driven on - France 5 metres out.
11'Ball cleared long - winger Halfpenny gathers but knocks on.
10'France win it - recycle
9'Another good restart but the French give away another penalty - ball to touch down their left - just inside the French half - Wales win their throw and attack down the front by scrum-half Phillips - great tackle and in to touch. French throw just inside their 22.
9'3-6 Penalty goal - Stephen Jones , Wales
8'Jones scores - does well.
7'Wales go left at the scrum - and get another penalty in front of the posts between the French 10 metres line and the half way - but straight
6'Fly half Jones goes down the centre - France get it and ball cleared - long - not to touch - kick back - France counter - but centre Yannick Juazion knocks on inside the French half
6'3-3 Penalty goal - Morgan Parra , France
5'Scum-half Morgan Parra going for the posts... good kick and he scores.
4'Really good restart by Baby - France gathers and go right - recycle - ball blind down the right - now wide left - back infield - Chabal takes it on unloads - good play - recycle - penalty to the home side.
3'Very straight - not far - and he puts it between the sticks to take the lead
3'0-3 Penalty goal - Stephen Jones , Wales
2'Wales win their throw to centre high kick - Wales regather and go left - France offside down the centre of field - Stephen Jones going for the posts.
1'A really good first half - with both teams going at it. France will feel that justice was served when they scored at the end of the half. They were very hard done by for not being given a try earlier in the match and also Welsh centre Shanklin should have been sent to the sin bin and who made a really good break to start the Welsh try. I am really looking forward to the second half.
1'Mark Lawrence of South Africa is the ref. Wales kick off - High and hanging - France gather on their 22 and the ball is cleared to touch up to half way. Really good kick by Baby.
1'Its a packed Stade de France with more than a fair share of Welsh in it. It is the first ever 6 Nations to take place on a Friday night. Keep your eyes on French fly-half Benoit Baby who is usually a hard-running centre. Will the ball get past him? The anthems are playing - the Welsh one first - the singers are back - why can't they just let the crowd and team sing it - end of rant. I'm Shaun Rusk and I will be your guide for this match.
1'0-0 Start of first half

Six Nations 2009 News