15Delon Armitage, FB
14Paul Sackey, W
13Jamie Noon, C
12Riki Flutey, C
11Mark Cueto, W
10Andy Goode, FH
9Harry Ellis, SH
1Andrew Sheridan, P
2Lee Mears, H
3Phil Vickery, P
4Steve Borthwick, L
5Nick Kennedy, L
6James Haskell, FL
7Steffon Armitage, FL
8Nick Easter, N8
16Dylan Hartley, H
17Julian White, P
18Tom Croft, L
19Joe Worsley, FL
20Ben Foden, SH
21Shane Geraghty, C
22Mathew Tait, C

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

Venue: Allianz Stadium, Twickenham
10:00 AM, February 7, 2009
Attendance: 82,000

Match Commentary

81'+136-11 End of second half
80'Easter drives out of the 22 after taking the restart and England slow it down on the deck. Geraghty's pass to Cueto is nearly intercepted by Robertson - who knocks on and Italy win a penalty at the scrum take it quickly and Sole tries to drive on but slow possession McLean chips through but England cover and that's full time.
England will be happy with the win - but the performance is still not great. Much work will be needed before the trip to Cardiff next weekend. For the Italians once their scrum half was sorted out it was a tight performance and they will take positives into next weekend's game with Ireland
79'36-11 Conversion - Andy Goode , England
79'34-11 Try - Mark Cueto , England
78'Quick ball from the line out goes all the way across the line and Cueto looks to be in close to the left hand touch line and England's fifth try is awarded - Goodes conversion from left hand touchline is perfect
77'Easter gathers and tries to take it on - then it is Worsley turn to drive before Tait makes a burst to the 22 metre line where he wins a penalty - Goode kicks England deep into the Italian 22. Harry Ellis announced as Man o the Match after his two try performance.
76'Quicker ball takes play close on the left hand side but Italians defend well and Robertson fly hacks ahead - but is called back by the referee England scrum on left hand touch line Foden makes 5 metres then the pack drive it on. Goode chips over for Tait to chase - too long and Masi gathers and touches down - 22 drop out
76'Substitute on - Jean-Francois Montauriol , Italy
76'Player substituted - Santiago Dellape , Italy
75'Substitute on - Salvatore Perugini , Italy
75'Player substituted - Martin Castrogiovanni , Italy
74'Lineout on the Italian 22 for England - they win a free kick and the forwards dive it on however Hartley is thumped back by Dellape in the tackle but it comes back for an England penalty - they opt for a scrum midfield on Italian 22
74'Substitute on - Mathew Tait , England
74'Player substituted - Jamie Noon , England
74'Player substituted - Nick Kennedy , England
74'Substitute on - Tom Croft , England
72'29-11 Try - Mirco Bergamasco , Italy
71'They go wide again and look to have a two man over lap - they almost mess it up with the extra pass - but finally Mirco Bergamasco gets over as the England defence is left wanting.McLean's kick from wide on the right was never close to going over
70'Reato tries to make a break but England turn it over on their own 22 but again they are slow to make anything of it and Italians win back possession and Robertson skips ahead - Sackey gathers a chip ahead and it is kicked deep and Masi runs it back - terrific stuff finds McLean who takes it into the 22 and is only just hauled down by Armitage
68'Play still on half way England going sideways - more slow ball and Foden can't get it away effectively allows Goode to be swallowed up and then England give away a penalty in the middle of the field. Mclean finds touch on 22 on left hand side
67'Parisse gathers from a great Italian scrum feeds Zanni and he breaks the first line of defence - Italy definitely playing the better rugby at the moment but the ball is knocked on by Zanni
65'Cueto fields a kick and again looks like he might make some ground but everything is very slow from England - who should be making more from the possession they have. Noon knocks on and Italy have a scrum as the game looks to have lost any sort of shape or momentum
64'Italian lineout from mid way in England half but Kennedy steals - and it's another kick by Foden quicker ball this time and Worsley links in midfield before Armitage gets a run but is brought to ground just into the Italian half and it is taken to touch
64'Yellow card - Shane Geraghty , England
63'England free kick from the scrum but Pratichetti keeps Goode's kick alive and Mclean is tackled in the air and Geraghty who is yellow carded for dangerous play
62'Another kicking duel ends when Armitage finds touch just inside the Italian half. Quick Italian line out ball and Toniolatti kicks ahead. Armitage tries to clear but is charged down England line at his mercy but the charge down is knocked on by Canale
61'Player substituted - Salvatore Perugini , Italy
61'Substitute on - Carlos Nieto , Italy
61'Substitute on - Julian White , England
61'Player substituted - Andrew Sheridan , England
60'Player substituted - Riki Flutey , England
60'Player substituted - Harry Ellis , England
60'Substitute on - Ben Foden , England
60'Substitute on - Shane Geraghty , England
59'Italians running from own half and win a penalty just inside their own half. England are benefiting from the first half advantage when Italy were effectively without a scrum half - but in this second half the Italians have matched them - with the same problems which beset England in the Autumn appearing again in this second period
58'Easter gathers from line out and makes some yards. Slow ball again as Haskell takes it into the Italian 22 but again England's ruck ball is not quick and the ball is lost forward Toniolatti kicks to half way and Sackey gathers - but slow ball again. However there is an England penalty and Ellis takes it quickly - knock on and England are able to build from half way
57'Player substituted - Marco Bortolami , Italy
57'Substitute on - Tommaso Reato , Italy
57'Substitute on - Matteo Pratichetti , Italy
57'Player substituted - Gonzalo Garcia , Italy
56'Player substituted - Lee Mears , England
56'Substitute on - Dylan Hartley , England
56'Substitute on - Carlo Festuccia , Italy
56'Player substituted - Fabio Ongaro , Italy
56'Player substituted - Steffon Armitage , England
56'Substitute on - Joe Worsley , England
55'Haskell gathers the restart and England kick ahead but Parisse gathers and runs it up Canale kicks ahead but Delon Armitage gathers and is upended in the air for an England penalty on their own 22. Goode strokes it to touch on the half way
55'29-6 Conversion - Andy Goode , England
55'27-6 Try - Harry Ellis , England
54'England are quick to take it away at the breakdown Ellis makes the break and finds the gap - and no one can stop hip as the Tigers scrum half flies over for his second try. Straight forward extras from Goode
53'They go left Goode finds Noon and then come back right Vickery takes it on . The it's Kennedy and they win a penalty - Ellis takes it quickly Easter then Armitage to the fore and they are in the 22. Very slow ball and the momentum is lost More slow ball and Elis chips ahead Canale marks it and taps and runs - out of his 22 and feeds Masi but the inside pass fails to find Parisse. England defence able to slow it down but Italians go left and Bergamasco makes a break but England turn it over at the breakdown
51'Good Italian ball but England turn it over at the ensuing ruck but can't make anything from it. Italian line out on half way and with Armitage pressuring him Canale knocks on. England scrum on 10 metre line with lots of options
47'Mclean tries to take it on in midfield - goes back into his pack and Castrogiovanni can't make anything on the narrow side as he is bundled into touch. Kennedy wins another fine lineout but then Borthwick is pushed back and Goode has to kick deep. Robertson gathers and is charged down by chasing Cueto to keep play only 10 metres from Italian line.
45'Short England line out Kennedy quick ball and Easter takes it on in midfield but Garcia makes a great tackle and ball goes loose. Mclean kicks the Italians forward and they have a scrum on half way
44'Already the Italians look sharper with a 'proper' scrum half' as the younger Bergamasco loks for space on the left - links with Mclean but no change for the Italians and Vickery wins a penalty as the Italians transgress at the ruck and Goode takes England into the Italian half as Haskell returns from the sin bin
43'Substitute on - Giulio Toniolatti , Italy
43'Player substituted - Mauro Bergamasco , Italy
42'Last play of the half and Italy drive the English - great scrum - and win the penalty as the binding is all over the place. Mc lean goes for his third kick just under 40 metres - hits the post but Armitage's kick fails to reach touch. Robertson takes it up the Garcia as the Italians are back into English territory but Bergamasco's poor half ends with more problems as he lose s the ball in contact and that is the end of the half
41'Kennedy takes the restart and Goode kicks into Italian half McLean returns it and then Armitage kicks again - but he took the ball back into the 22 - poor mistake and advantage goes to Italians. Better Italian line out and Garcia tries to go through the middle but no change from England midfield defence. Italians recycle and Canale tries to find some space. England knock on at the ruck and Italians have a scrum in the English 22 on the right
41'+222-6 End of first half
40'22-6 Start of second half
39'Goode's restart goes to half way and Bergamasco's kick is not bad this time but English able to tidy and take it back to 10 metre line but Ellis is caught at the base of the ruck and the Italians win the put in to the scrum
39'22-6 Penalty goal - Luke McLean , Italy
38'Italians up to 22 with the penalty they try to press in midfield but England hold them up - however English hand on the deck and the visitors have a great chance to slot a second penalty through McLean - another successful kick for the Australian born Italian
37'Yellow card - James Haskell , England
36'Easter gathers the restart and takes a few metres - Goode goes deep again and Italians man of the half Parisse brings it back - England slow it down and Italians forced to keep it tight as they go over half way - another poor pass from Bergamasco but Canale gathers and tries to break - but Haskell leaves out his leg and Canale is brought to ground - yellow card for Haskell for the trip
35'Noon gathers Goode's restart and the Flutey takes it on and England win a penalty on the Italian 22 right in front for hands in the ruck - straight forward for Goode to return it to a 19 point advantage
35'22-3 Penalty goal - Andy Goode , England
34'19-3 Penalty goal - Luke McLean , Italy
33'Another kicking duel ends as Masi decides to keep it in hand on the left wing. Takes it into contact and Italians win penalty for off side. Kick for McLean is from 30 metres out and he puts it straight between the sticks
31'Kicking duel ends with touch on the England 10 metre line - better ball for the Italians and they drive up in midfield again Parisse is to the fore for the Italians but it is laborious across the back line and Garcia finally kicks straight into touch
30'Substitute on - Luke McLean , Italy
30'Player substituted - Andrea Marcato , Italy
29'19-0 Conversion - Andy Goode , England
28'Short lineout more successful for Italians Parisse does the hard work but again it's a shocking pass from Bergamasco ball is lose and Goode is able to fly hack ahead and Flutey gathers and is able to dart over by the posts - 3 England tries - all at least in part due to poor decisions by Bergamasco at scrum half - Goode is on target this time
28'17-0 Try - Riki Flutey , England
27'England win possession through Kennedy at the lineout and again Goode hoofs it deep Masi collects and returns the kick Goode again - this time Marcato returns and he wins his own kick back on England 10 metre line. They keep it tight then it goes wide left and Canale chips ahead an the left hand side Sackey does well to gather and Haskell takes it into contact. Goode clears the danger with kick to touch at half way
25'Italians gather loose ball in midfield and Marcato produces a great open field kick to find touch deep in England territory
25'Substitute on - Marco Bortolami , Italy
25'Player substituted - Tommaso Reato , Italy
24'Shocking throw from Ongaro as England steal at the front and Goode kicks long Italians carry it to half way through Masi - very slow ball again and Bergamasco grubbers it into touch, and England win back possession via the lineout
22'Quick England free kick taken by Easter then Haskell and Armitage take it on - into Italian 22 and danger for the Azzurri. Kennedy makes for the line but doesn't have the support and ultimately Goode knocks on. Italian penalty at the scrum and Marcato finds touch in England half
20'Substitute on - Tommaso Reato , Italy
20'Player substituted - Marco Bortolami , Italy
19'Sackey gathers the Italian restart and Goode kicks into Italian territory Parisse gathers and kicks ahead Italy recycle in England territory - but there is a shocking pass from Bergamasco who has looked so out of place at 9 in the first 20 minutes and it's an England scrum as Garcia knocks on trying to gather
18'Cueto gathers the restart kicks ahead and chases it Italians unable to control it. Ellis is there to pick it up 20 metres out on the left wing and is able to dart to the line and dive over for England's second try. Again Goode's radar is on the blink as the conversion is wide left
18'12-0 Try - Harry Ellis , England
17'Armitage gathers and Cueto makes his first impression as the Italians are caught a little cold and England win a penalty - Goode gets another chance to increase the lead from 30 metres out this one drifts wide as well
15'Armitage gathers it at the lineout and Italian chance is lost as Goode clears to the 10 metre line. Garcia takes it up the middle but no way through. They recycle once but Italians lose it on the left wing and Flutey is able to kick ahead taking England up to the Italian 22 - Italian line out. Better throw - Bortolami takes it cleanly - but it's slow and Bergamasco kicks to deep
13'Goode's drop out is deep gathered by Masi and again its Parisse who take it up - and England are caught off side as it's kicked ahead. Marcato finds a great touch only 10 metres from England line
11'Italian penalty taken quickly and they move to the England 10 metre line - advantage played as Italy get penalty for off side. No advantage and Marcato lines up a goal kick from the England 10 metre line - misses to the left hand side
9'Italy kick to England 22. Better lineout ball and Dellape takes it on. Then Parisse takes it up - 15 meters out they are held up u but they lose the ball as Bergamasco continues to struggle at 9. England kick clear and Italy are back to their own 10 metre line
6'Ongaro drops out deep and Sackey gathers. Goode sends it up the middle and Parisse gathers on 10 metre line. Bergamasco takes his time to get it away and Marcato is under pressure. Clearing kick only to Armitage who kicks to Italian 22. Italians win a free kick at the lineout and they are able to clear to half way - England line out
4'Italy restart - England forwards gather and Ellis chips ahead. Not in touch and Italy build from half way - but Garcia is caught offside. Goode fancies his chances from 5 metres inside the Italian half. Kick drifts wide to the right.
3'7-0 Conversion - Andy Goode , England
3'5-0 Try - Andy Goode , England
2'England steal the lineout after a poor throw they recycle quickly and it goes wide right. Goode chips ahead and follows it into the in goal area. Looks like he has the touch down but referee Lawrence goes upstairs. Try is awarded - great start for England and the recalled Goode. The Brive outhalf addes the extras.
1'Nick Mallett has realised that the experiment of playing Mauro Bergamasco at scrum half hasn't worked as he is replaced for the second half by Toniolatti
1'Welcome to a bright but cold Twickenham for the first game of the 2009 Six Nations.
Martin Johnson has brought back some old familiar faces in an attempt to kick start his reign as England head coach - although will be disappointed by the loss of Mike Tindall overnight. The Italians too have their injury problems with Nick Mallett forced to field flanker Mauro Bergamasco at scrum half.
It promises to be a gripping start to the Championship - and you can follow it all here on scrum.com from 3pm (GMT)
1'Goode kicks off the 2009 6 Nations for England - kicks up the middle and Italians gather and Bergamasco gets it away successfully. Masi takes it up but England steal in the ruck and England kick ahead. Italian lineout inside their 22.
1'0-0 Start of first half

Six Nations 2009 News