15Lucas Gonzalez Amorosino, FB
14Matias Moroni, W
13Santiago Gonzalez Iglesias, C
12Juan Pablo Socino, C
11Horacio Agulla, W
10Juan Martin Hernandez, FH
9Martin Landajo, SH
1Lucas Noguera, P
2Julian Montoya, H
3Juan Pablo Orlandi, P
4Guido Petti, L
5Matias Alemanno, L
6Pablo Matera, FL
7Javier Ortega Desio, FL
8Facundo Isa, N8
16Agustin Creevy, R
17Marcos Ayerza, R
18Ramiro Herrera, R
19Leonardo Senatore, R
20Juan Martin Fernandez Lobbe, R
21Tomas Cubelli, R
22Marcelo Bosch, R
23Juan Imhoff, R

*Players currently on the pitch are shown in bold

Game Info

Venue: Leicester City Stadium
7:00 AM, October 11, 2015
Attendance: 30,198

Match Commentary

83'Nic Atkin sums up events at Leceister:

"Job more than done for Argentina today, scoring nine tries in a 64-19 victory with plenty getting a good run out ahead of what should be a thrilling quarterfinal against either Ireland or France.

"The sloppy errors that were pounced on for Namibia's tries could be of some concern, though, while Marcelo Bosch was extremely lucky to only be shown a yellow card for a late tip tackle on Theuns Kotze. Tier Two sides have expressed their frustrations about decisions at this World Cup and Bosch may indeed find himself cited.

"But Argentina's quality told -- the Pumas began to run riot as they carved up the Namibian defence to score four more tries after the restart. An exhausted Namibia, after just four days' rest, duly played their part in a frenetic contest though, looking to burst forward whenever they could even in the dying minutes with 14 men after Tinus du Plessis had received a yellow card. Their efforts were rewarded when Eugene Jantjies took an offload and went over to the delight of the crowd to sign off in style."
82'And what an absolutely fantastic way to finish. On the occasion of his 50th cap, it's Johnny Redelinghuys who is lining up the conversion. You won't witness anything quite like this again! That is a forward's kick, though, but he absolutely loved the moment. It falls short, hits the padding round the post and everybody congratulates him anyway. That was magnificent!
81'Wonderfuly, absolutely superbly, Namibia score a try! What a way to go! Eugene Jantjies is on hand to take an offload and go over. The crowd absolutely loved that, and if there is an award for "Pluck", Namibia have just won it. Superb.
81'+264-19 End of second half
81'+164-19 Try - Eugene Jantjies , Namibia
80'One final scrum for Argentina, who will likely pick up and boot to touch to complete Pool C. They will play the winner of Ireland-France, which kicks off at 4.45pm BST this afternoon. A fascinating quarterfinal match-up awaits, regardless of which Six Nations team it is that comes up against this Pumas side.
79'Namibia -- to their eternal credit -- are ploughing forward as best they can, with 14 men, after an exhausting match, on four days rest, trailing by 50 points, with nothing to play for. Cannot praise that highly enough.
78'Argentina look for another try, but Cubelli's decision to kick over the top of the ruck catches the rest of his team unaware. They all look at him, and he stretches his arms out in apology.
76'Nasty fall for an Argentina player under the high ball and there's going to be action taken against Tinus de Plessis. "You're kidding?" he says to the referee as the yellow card is flashed in his direction. That's the end of his World Cup (given that there's only four minutes left).
76'Yellow card - Tinus du Plessis , Namibia
75'64-14 Conversion - Juan Pablo Socino , Argentina
74'And Cubelli gets another try. This is very encouraging for Argentina that they have not missed a beat despite a welter of substitutions in the second half. It's exactly the strength in depth that a team needs for the knockout phase.
74'62-14 Try - Tomas Cubelli , Argentina
72'Scrum for Argentina in their own 22 and it's a measure of how exhausted Namibia are that the drive makes 10 metres without any resistance whatsoever. There's a burst clear from Argentina, then a fast counter from Namibia, mopped up well by Amorosino -- who has been terrific all game -- and then a counter-counter by Argentina. Great adventure from both teams, especially at the end of an exhausting fourth match in barely three weeks.
70'Player substituted - Julian Montoya , Argentina
70'Substitute on - Agustin Creevy , Argentina
70'Player substituted - Heinrich Smit , Namibia
70'Substitute on - JC Greyling , Namibia
70'57-14 Conversion - Juan Pablo Socino , Argentina
69'Great break from Imhoff who makes impressive ground, and sets the platform for Argentina to score again. That's the eighth try and it's Julian Montoya who gets to plunge over. It could have been one of about eight players, such was the excess numbers they had available.
69'55-14 Try - Julian Montoya , Argentina
68'Raucous atmosphere in Leicester regardless of that try not counting. They do know it didn't count, right?
66'Another wonderful try! Juan Imhoff touches down but really it's a team try and Socino is again the catalyst. It's through another four sets of hands before Imhoff scores, but now the TMO wants a look at a forward pass. BOOO!!! It's disallowed. Such a shame, that was a great score.
65'Substitute on - Juan Imhoff , Argentina
65'Player substituted - Santiago Gonzalez Iglesias , Argentina
65'Player substituted - Damian Stevens , Namibia
65'Substitute on - Eugene Jantjies , Namibia
65'50-14 Conversion - Juan Pablo Socino , Argentina
65'Player substituted - JC Greyling , Namibia
65'Substitute on - Heinrich Smit , Namibia
64'Terrific break from Argentina, and that's going to be a try! Slick passing at last from the Pumas. Tomas Cubelli provides the assist for Leonardo Senatore to fly under the posts, but it was the superb break from Juan Pablo Socino that set all of that up. Wonderful running rugby, and while shorthanded as well.
64'48-14 Try - Leonardo Senatore , Argentina
62'Agulla does a great job of sparking the midfield but just as Argentina look bound to score, there's a knock on and Namibia can break. Back the play comes for a penalty against Argentina.
61'Argentina manage to turn Namibia over and they're charging towards midfield. A missed backhand pass breaks things up. Another loose pass stalls the move again. This is not pretty.
61'Player substituted - Matias Alemanno , Argentina
61'Substitute on - Juan Martin Fernandez Lobbe , Argentina
60'The Pumas steal the scrum ball against the head and are trying to get something going. The ball hasn't moved from between the two 10-metre lines for about five minutes now. A boot to touch from a Namibian penalty changes all that -- they will have a lineout on the Argentina 22.
59'A forward pass breaks up the latest move from Argentina. This is the most faltering period of the game by far.
58'Player substituted - Leneve Damens , Namibia
58'Substitute on - Tinus du Plessis , Namibia
58'Substitute on - Russell van Wyk , Namibia
58'Player substituted - Chrysander Botha , Namibia
57'Think all that action might have winded a few players. It's all become a bit sloppy in midfield now.
55'Thrilling stuff as both teams chuck the ball around with impunity - anyone would think this match makes no material difference to either side! It's eventually Argentina who break but are forced into touch on halfway -- and immediately Namibia take a quick throw and surge back into the Argentina half! A knock on later and it's a scrum to Argentina just inside their own half. Thoroughly entertaining stuff.
54'And Namibia kick the penalty for touch. To huge roars from the Leicester crowd, who are enjoying the ambition the Africans are showing.
53'TMO now intervening (or should that be interfering?) with a possible dangerous tackle against Marcello Bosch, who has only been on the field a matter of minutes. That is not great. He's picked up Theuns Kotze after he shipped the pass to Tromp, and that's going to be a yellow card and a penalty. On for two minutes, back off for 10.
53'Yellow card - Marcelo Bosch , Argentina
53'Player substituted - Juan Pablo Orlandi , Argentina
53'Substitute on - Ramiro Herrera , Argentina
53'Substitute on - Tomas Cubelli , Argentina
53'Player substituted - Martin Landajo , Argentina
52'Namibia almost have a third try, superb burst shown from Tromp looking for his second try of the match, but he knocks on under the tackle from Amorosino on the line!
52'Substitute on - Louis van der Westhuizen , Namibia
52'Player substituted - Torsten van Jaarsveld , Namibia
52'Substitute on - Johnny Redelinghuys , Namibia
52'Player substituted - Jaco Engels , Namibia
51'And a lovely reception for Johnny Redelinghuys, who comes on for Namibia to earn his 50th -- and final -- cap.
51'Substitute on - Marcelo Bosch , Argentina
51'Player substituted - Juan Martin Hernandez , Argentina
50'Juan Martin Hernandez comes off. He gets a rousing reception but it's not been his best performance, by any means, and their might be some nervous medical checks being conducted in the next few minutes. Argentina need their star man firing next week in the quarterfinals, against either Ireland or France.
50'Substitute on - Leonardo Senatore , Argentina
50'Player substituted - Pablo Matera , Argentina
50'43-14 Conversion - Juan Pablo Socino , Argentina
49'41-14 Try - Matias Alemanno , Argentina
48'Concentration is slipping for Namibia, who are caught offside. A quick tap later and Alemanno dives over for another Argentina try. Kasabian's "Fire" rings out round their native Leicester's stadium.
47'Nasty fall at a lineout for a Namibian, and it's a penalty AGAINST them for lifting and not supporting. That's a double whammy for the man who got dropped on his head, Tjuee Uanivi!
47'Substitute on - AJ de Klerk , Namibia
47'Player substituted - Aranos Coetzee , Namibia
47'36-14 Conversion - Theuns Kotze , Namibia
46'Argentina look like they are in control, only for the ball to be turned over and JC Greyling sprints clear impressively for the score! Tremendous try although very very similar to the try in the first half, coming as it did from sloppy passing and uncommitted efforts by Argentina to recover, and Namibia's sheer determination wins out. Impressive speed from Greyling as well.
46'36-12 Try - JC Greyling , Namibia
43'Hernandez boots into touch and slaps his hands in frustration. Still have to wonder if there's an injury there, and if there is why exactly Argentina are persisting in playing their key man? There are bigger fish to fry next week.
42'Argentina concede their first penalty of the game and from the lineout, Namibia's backs show they can deliver an impressive offload or two themselves! They're going right and left then right again but progress territorially is slow. And then just as they're breaking down the left flank, there's a knock on. Advantage Argentina.
41'36-7 Conversion - Santiago Gonzalez Iglesias , Argentina
41'+136-7 End of first half
40'Argentina get us underway for the second half, and immediately win the jump ball. This could get really ugly for Namibia in this half, playing off short rest having faced Georgia three and a bit days ago.
40'Replays suggest that's a try, the ball going backward from a Namibian tackle rather than being knocked on. It's a try!

40'36-7 Start of second half
40'34-7 Try - Lucas Noguera , Argentina
39'Argentina just about break through but Amorosino nearly drops the ball, only to make a miraculous save and recover the position so they can keep building. Right it goes and into the 22, then the five-metre line, looks like it's a knock-on and then a dive over from Lucas Neguero Paz! It's going to the TMO, rightfully so.
38'Engels fires into a tackle with the ball in the Argentina half and it pops straight out of his hands, breaking up a decent spell for Namibia. Argentina looking for one more try before the half.
36'Driving maul, try. More pushing, which is actually more determined than the defence was while the ball was in play. If Namibia channel their aggression into their tackling, they'll be a lot better off.
36'29-7 Try - Facundo Isa , Argentina
35'Namibia pinged for collapsing the scrum and now the frustration is boilling over, Jaco Engels pushing and pulling and slapping at one of the Argentina flankers. Another five-metre lineout coming.
34'The Namibian defence holds up to the challenge laid down by Argentina. It's taking a lot of tacklers to bring them down, though, and that is going to take its toll in the second half.
32'The Pumas kick for touch and will look to build some pressure on the Namibian five metre line.
31'Tromp causes more problems for Argentina, charging after a high ball and forcing a mistake from the defender, but it's pulled back for a knock on. We're now having a look via the TMO at a possible neck roll against Namibia. Johan Deysel is in trouble for that. Penalty to Argentina.
29'Amorosino lost a contact lens in all of that. Whether it was before, during or after is not known, but Deysel's hit was surprising enough to have been the cause.
28'Excellent mark under the high ball from Amorosino and then he charges from his own 22 after the tap -- and just keeps going! And just as he's about to break into the 22, a tackler jumps across and manages to knock the ball out for a knock on. That was a superb tackle from Johan Deysel, his second best moment of the tournament (because nothing is beating scoring a try against the All Blacks!)
26'24-7 Conversion - Santiago Gonzalez Iglesias , Argentina
25'Terrific conversion from Gonzalez Iglesias -- what an aberration that first kick was! That conversion is out on the left wing but swings over beautifully, never anywhere but the middle of the uprights.
24'Argentina go over for a try, it's Agulla who delivers the touchdown, but that's going upstairs for a potential obstruction. Close call, this one, as Gonzalez Iglesias bumped into the final would-be tackler, Namibia's fullback Botha, but the officials have ruled that Botha didn't make enough of an effort to go around him. Try!
24'22-7 Try - Horacio Agulla , Argentina
22'Namibia are back to full strength, but their tackling remains powderpuff. Matera streaks through another four or five "tackles" before being pulled down 10 metres from the line and dropping the ball into touch.
20'17-7 Conversion - Santiago Gonzalez Iglesias , Argentina
19'The statisticians have got their work cut out with that try. Just how many of those attempted tackles can be credited as missed? If you want to be highly critical, that's five in one fell swoop, as many as some teams have in a half!
19'15-7 Try - Matias Moroni , Argentina
18'Fairly pathetic tackling from Namibia and that's a try for Maroni! That's about five tacklers who have failed to wrestle him down. Fair play to Maroni for his determination, but that should not have been allowed to happen.
17'Penalty against Namibia for "coming through the gate" at a ruck, which ends a decent spell of possession for them. Meanwhile, Juan Martin Hernandez appears to be struggling with a calf injury, which might explain the error for Namibia's try.
15'Namibia are playing their best rugby of the match so far with 14 men. It's not a great long-term strategy, to play a man down, but it does seem to have focused their minds.
14'10-7 Conversion - Theuns Kotze , Namibia
13'10-5 Try - Johan Tromp , Namibia
12'Mistake by Argentina and it's a try for Namibia! With 14 men! It's Johan Tromp with his second try of the tournament. Hernandez is at fault there, he bottled out of a 60-40 in his favour and the ball runs loose along the back line. As Argentina flap around, Tromp takes affirmative action, boots it forward and charges over the line from 20 metres out. Tremendous opportunism.
12'10-0 Penalty goal - Santiago Gonzalez Iglesias , Argentina
11'Iglesias boots through three points. That was smooth -- makes you wonder what was going on with that first penalty, which was shockingly bad!
11'Yellow card - JC Greyling , Namibia
10'Hmm, there's a TMO review and Namibia could be in trouble here. Hernandez gets hit high and late with a shoulder from JC Greyling. The Argentina star was slipping which might save Greyling from something worse than a penalty and a yellow card. Without the slip, that's probably a red. For what it's worth, Martin Johnson is in the crowd and is clearly lamenting that decision. "What was that for?" is the polite version if lip-reading skills are up to the task there.
9'Penalty against Namibia for going off feet in the ruck. Hernandez kicks deep into Namibian territory.
8'7-0 Conversion - Santiago Gonzalez Iglesias , Argentina
7'No sooner has that been said and Argentina have scored. Juan Martin Hernandez is given the easiest task of trotting home unopposed but again it's come down the right flank and Maroni makes two people miss before a perfectly timed pass sets up Hernandez. Too easy by far for the Pumas. Gonzalez Iglesias rights the wrongs of his previous kick at goal by slotting the conversion.
7'5-0 Try - Juan Martin Hernandez , Argentina
6'After an exchange of long punts, Damian Stevens, the Namibian scrum-half, shows some nice moves and then his box-kicking skills. He could be one to watch in this game.
6'Player substituted - Janco Venter , Namibia
6'Substitute on - PJ van Lill , Namibia
5'Gonzalez Iglesias to kick for goal from directly in front of the posts, on the 22. Three points guaranteed. Wow. Wow wow wow. He pulled it horrendously, to the left of the posts and then some. That was horrible, as bad a kick as there's been in the World Cup.
4'More superb hands from Argentina, who look super slick whenever they go right. It's Maroni with a brilliant pick and flick to Pablo Matera who bursts for the corner but is bundled into touch. The play is pulled back for an offside in any case, and it will be a penalty to Argentina. They've already gained 123 metres on 13 carries in the opening four minutes!
3'Already everything going through Hernandez, and with good reason. A forward pass into touch, however, breaks up another slick move along Argentina's backs.
1'Some half-time analysis from Nic Atkin:

"It may have been a scrappy start for Argentina's second string with a loose Juan Martin Hernandez pass allowing Johan Tromp to steal in for just Namibia's third try against the Pumas, but they look well and truly over the horizon by half-time with a 36-7 lead. They've racked up five tries already with Namibia's discipline crumbling -- that makes it 24 tries in just three World Cup matches for Argentina against Namibia. Both of those other games, in 2003 and 2007, ended with Namibia losing by more than 50 points and it looks like Leicester City Stadium will see a similar margin of defeat here."
1'We are go! Namibia kick off and Argentina immediately make superb ground down the right flank, Hernandez with a out-the-back-of-the-hand flip to Santiago Gonzalez Iglesias who storms into the Namibian 22. The play peters out when they swing it left, but that was lightning from the Pumas and superb from Hernandez.
1'Hello and welcome to ESPN's live coverage of Argentina versus Namibia in Leicester.

Anthem time at a sunny and calm Leicester. And with those hearty blasts out of the way, it's time for some rugby on this Sunday feast!

Nic Atkin is our man on the ground at the Leicester City Stadium this afternoon:

1'0-0 Start of first half

Rugby World Cup 2015 News