
Soccer-Hughes says Wenger should be more gracious in defeat

LONDON, Dec 2 - Manchester City manager Mark
Hughes called on Arsenal's Arsene Wenger to be more gracious in
defeat after the losing Frenchman snubbed him at the end of
their League Cup quarter-final.

Wenger refused to shake hands with Hughes after City's 3-0
victory over his young side at Eastlands, unrepentantly telling
reporters later that "perhaps I have no professional courtesy".

"Maybe he's used to winning games and when he does lose
sometimes he doesn't know how to behave," Hughes, who said he
had a lot of respect for Wenger and his achievements, told the

"At one point I was over on his side of the technical area
and he seemed to be a bit aggrieved by that," he added.

"But I think he is probably more aggrieved because he got
beaten. I have been to the Emirates Stadium and been beaten 6-2
but I still offered my hand at the end.

"It is the least you can do.

"I am a little bit disappointed in that respect. You should
be a bit more gracious than that because it is unnecessary.

"We all hurt when we get beaten, but you should always
offer your hand."

(Reporting by Alan Baldwin, editing by Greg Stutchbury; To
query or comment on this story email

((alan.baldwin@thomsonreuters.com; +44 20 7542 7933;
Reuters Messaging: alan.baldwin.reuters.com@reuters.net. For
the Reuters sports blog Left Field go to:

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