
X-Press with Metz

All bow before thy holiness ... Mike Metzger, Circa 2004. Markus Paulsen/ESPN Images

Back when I rode with Mike Metzger in like — man, I'd have to say it was around 2000-2003 — he was all about the outdoors and nature. He absolutely HATED computers and I remember him always talking about how they were whack ... and honestly, he had some really good points. If you think of it, computers pretty much just suck your life away, taking you away from reality.

But, now The Godfather of FMX has had a change of heart and has been getting jiggy with all the new technology including Twitter and now Ustream. When I found out Metz had a Twitter account, I was convinced it was a fake, but after following him for a few days, I realized it was the real deal! As for Ustream, it's a website that allows users to broadcast live video webcasts to their legions of fans via their own "channel."

So, being the busy dude he is, Metz has set up his own channel, "X-Press with Metz" and he's already six episodes deep. His latest episode, starring Beau Manley and Colin Morrison, was filmed today. But if you didn't catch it live, I've embedded it below for your viewing pleasure.

If you're somewhat internet savvy and a fan of Metz, be sure to hop on the bandwagon and follow him on Twitter and Ustream. He's non-stop entertainment!