
ROX picks off CLG, forces tiebreaker with ANX

Han "Peanut" Wang-ho prepares to take the stage at the 2016 League of Legends World Championships. Provided by Riot Games

In a game that saw the same amount of kills as minutes, ROX Tigers secure its spot in the quarterfinals after getting revenge on North America's Counter Logic Gaming in 37:41.

CLG skirmished well in the early game, keeping things even in the first 15-minutes. When things started heading south, the NA team dug in and tried to claw back, but at 21-minutes, it was 10-5 in kills and 4k down in gold.

While CLG mid laner Choi "Huhi" Jae-hyun showed up big earlier in the day on Vladimir, his Malzahar fell short as ROX picked him apart as revenge for his Aurelion Sol game last week. Huhi's decision-making became worse as the game wore on, opening up objectives for the Tigers.

Jungler for ROX, Han "Peanut" Wang-ho played a devastating Elise, coming in at 10/1/8. The Tigers join Wild Card team Albus Nox Luna as the second team to go to the quarterfinals.