
I May clinches comeback vs. Flash Wolves

Chinese League of Legends team I May won the LPL summer regional qualifiers to qualify for Worlds 2016. Provided by Fomos/kenzi.

The first Zac pick of Worlds ended up paying off as Fan "Avoidless" Jun Wei ended up being the difference maker for the Chinese team I May. Flash Wolves, from Taiwan, had a lead and vision control at one point, but opted to dance around neutral objectives to their own detriment.

Compared to Day 2's opening match of SK Telecom T1 vs. Cloud9, this game was much more deliberate and subdued. Skirmishes around the map opened up objectives for both teams, but the match was largely a stalemate until an extended dance around Baron resulted, finally, in I May taking a team fight and the buff.

Flash Wolves responded by sending invitations to I May for a dance at the massive neutral objective Elder Dragon. An initial song led to both teams backing off, but FW went back and started the drake again. Avoidless, who ended up 2/3/9 in Kills/Deaths/Assists, flanked the Taiwanese and stole the Elder Drake. I May was able to turn that momentum into the win at 47:15.